Friday, October 29, 2010

First outing by myself

It was a beautiful day. I told Declan that mommy is going to bring him out to meet mommy's cousins and his cousin from Jakarta! He sortsof understood and gave me a smiley face. I packed things up and gave King a good-bye kiss before heading out. That was my first time to bring Declan out alone. It was fantastic!

Declan was well-behaved back in the car seat and enjoyed his own view while had himself soothed by sucking his little cute thumbs. I turned on my favorite Christmas CD and told Declan where we were and where we've passed by from moment to moment. It was a happy ride to both of us! 

During the gathering and chit-chat time with my dearie cousins, Declan was well-behaved and couldn't stop flirting around with his aunties and cousin. The new place and new people made him not willing to take his afternoon nap. His routine was off for an hour. However, I was relief that he was able to nap before his feeding at 5 pm, thank god! After his napping and feeding, we took a few pictures and headed home. 

After that, I reached home safely with this little friend. The father welcomed us, together with Coby. Ahh.... It's so good to be home and see dad again, I told Declan. 

I wish to bring Declan out by myself more often. I love to drive this little friend around and have some private talk. Ah ha! Many ideas pop up in my mind..... =)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Good website for present giver

If you have no idea about what to give for a newly mom for baby shower or baby full month, I've a good website for ya! Check out! I find that the Diaper Cake idea is pretty neat and unique! Don't wait and go click on the link now and you will know why! Happy browsing! =)

Good blog for the mothers

I would like to recommend a blog to all the mothers. If you prepare home meal or lunch box for your kids daily, you may find how informative this blog can be. Hit on ! The blog owner has all kinda ideas for kids meal. Happy reading, folks! =)

Story time between a father and a baby

I like to see the moments of King & Declan, actually. They always make me laugh no matter who lead the story telling session. One will come up with funny description, one will babbling non-stop. Ahh... These 2 persons meant so much to me!! I just can't live without them -- the father and the son! =)

Book reading for my baby

King and I are book lovers (I know I've mentioned this many times in my blog, ha!). We've bought quite a number of books for our little one as well. We want to bring books to Declan's life which is good for him. Not being a bookworm but falling in love with books. Hence, wherever we go or travel, bookstore will be in our itinerary.

Declan has a Black-&-White, Sometimes-Red cloth book. With the high contrast color images, Declan loves the book very very much! Every time when he is bored, we'd flip the imaged book page by page for him by our own description. He would just sort of reply us with babbling sound and kicking his both legs, and with a lot of smile and laugh. King and I were happy to see that as it is a sign of loving book from this little friend. So, how do we describe the picture to our young fellow? Here is my sharing tips as follow:-

When I describe an apple to Declan....
Oh what is this that we are seeing together now? Ohhhh... Apple!!! This is your favorite apple, Declan! Look at this apple, it's red color, a beautiful color! This apple wants to say hello to Declan! Hello, Declan, I'm apple, how do you do? What do you do today, Declan? I'm very happy to see you again, Declan! Apple is good for you and everyone! An apple a day, keep the doctor away! So, when you are a kid, you should eat more apple and other fruits, alright?

This is another example with a ladybug.....
Ahhh.... What is this, Declan? It's ladybug!! Oh isn't this ladybug beautiful? Look at the colors! This ladybug is in red color with a lot of black dots! Ladybug has 6 legs. We have 2 legs but ladybug is different from us. Ladybug is a happy insect. We must learn from ladybug that be a happy baby, alright? L for ladybug! Yay!

Moreover, I sing my song after each description. I've my own personalized song for Declan every time. King always laugh at me because the way I "read" Declan sounds like a children program Sesame Street! Hahahaha...!! By moving the cloth books while singing my personalized song, it is indeed funny!

This is my personalized song that dedicate to my son:-
         Daddy love KJ.....
            Mommy love KJ.....
                 Coby love KJ.......
                     Everybody loves KJ......

I composed and wrote this song for Declan from the first day we met! And, I repeat this song every day. This song meant a lot to me and this family!

Sometimes, we do read books for Declan. He seems like a book lover from the way he responds to us during our reading session, so far. We are happy and blessed!

Declan, oh, Declan! Books are our good friends. If we love books, we'd be loved, too! =)

                                          "I Love You, Mummy" story reading.

                                          Declan's favorite cloth book.


I've myself checked up a month ago again. Why? I was unwell. And, the doctor announced that my thyroid has stopped functioning after diagnosing past-partom Hashimoto Thyroiditis. What the hell?! I was so shocked and I couldn't take it for a few seconds! The stupid specialist said that I've to be on medication for life time. Life time, what the heck?! Anyway, I'm going to seek for second opinion early November. I've been on medication since a month ago and hopefully things are under controlled. People, pray for me......

Back to my blogging world

It has been a while not updating my blog again. Life with a little one really is something new to me, even though Declan is 4 months old baby now. Time pass by without my noticing; clock ticks without my noticing.

King and I can't stop a second not to look at little Declan at times. We are scared of losing track of his growing. Having a baby at home is just too wonderful to both of us. We, sometimes, hug each other while looking at our baby. Declan is the force that driving us together. He's such a cutie-pie that we can't disagree.

Blogging is one of my hobbies. It's a good way for me to review myself and my life. I'm just busy plus lazy a little bit to do it in a weekly basis. My bad. How can I being lazy after having little Declan? I should be a good role model to my son. Hmm.... Mama Eunice..... Hehe!

Alright, let's start blogging again! Yee-ha! =)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Trend or Trap?

Declan will be 3 months old on Earth next week. Time flies. And, I've started to think of what kinda education and life we should provide him. I might sound a bit "kiasu" but I just like to think and observe things too much! :p

Welp, there are so many children programs in the market now. All is based on the needs for the parents. I wonder is all of them good for the kids. Are they a need for the babies and kids. It is a question mark to me. Gymboree, Kindermusik, Shichida, Montessori, you name it. I'm confused by the marketing and advertisement more. Most importantly, some of the fees are not cheap although it's affordable. But is it a must to my little Declan? I ponder..... I wonder..... I contemplate..... And, is this a trend or trap????? Other parents send their babies/toddlers to the programs but do I have to do the same thing? Do I have to follow what others do or have done? Is it really worth it?

I'm a full time home maker and mother. That means, I've 24/7 time for my family. But do I have enough time for little Declan? I guess this is all based on my own time management and what I wanna provide my son. I'm worried that KJ can't digest everything in one time and it'll become worse to him.

I wish to give Declan a happy and healthy childhood. I had a happy childhood with my siblings and cousins. We played and shared our own toys and we even imagined our own world during our play time. So I guess, first of all, I should bring Declan and meet more friends out there. So that he can have some play mates for socialization. As for those music, story, singing, gymnastic, fun programs, I'd do more research and hopefully I can do it at home with the little monster. It's fun to have DIY program at home, too.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


這篇,是我生了 Declan 而有感而發的。那天,我也和 King 聊到我的疑問和感受。

我說,女人真的是很很很很很偉大!!!超偉大,很大的那種!!我一一分析給他聽。女人在自己的家庭成長了十幾二十年,然後願意嫁給男人。然後要嫁進男方那家,搬進男人的家,甚至和不是養育自己的家翁家婆一起住。要遷就這裡遷就那裡。公婆要求孫兒,女人就得努力。若沒孩子,公婆就責怪女人不能生(你以為母雞生蛋哶!)。老一派的公婆還說要生個男孫呢(媽的,還要選!)。ok, 女人努力了,懷孕了。懷孕時,有錢的公婆或許(我是說或許而已,ok)會給女人吃點好的。沒懷孕的話,誰有空給你吃好的呀?懷胎 9 至 10 個月,辛苦的是女人。女人的害喜和肚子的重量,男人懂個屁?等到要生的時候,肚子疼個半死,或者六層的肚皮要開一刀,誰願意去承擔那種痛和肚皮上的疤痕?還是女人自己。痛了過後,生了過後,餵人奶的是當媽媽的那一位,不是爸爸厚。半夜起來餵奶的也是女人。辛苦了這麼久,而小貝比的姓確是跟爸爸姓的(哇嘮哩!)!而公婆都一直在看小貝比長得像誰。哇,當然是像男方一家啦。好的都像完爸爸啦,伯伯叔叔姑姑爺爺奶奶啦。小孩若是不精靈,就是像媽媽啦。若是公婆搖電話來,第一句問的是孫怎樣怎樣,而非問起媳婦做月有沒有休息或補得夠不夠,照顧小孩辛不辛苦。然後呢,照顧小貝比和小孩的主要是媽媽。若是公婆知道男人會和貝比洗澡,那女人不是很輕鬆(哇噻,應該是讚美男人的體貼吧?)?如果照顧的不好或是有點差錯,公婆會說女人不會教不會養他們的孫。男人或孫若長得乾巴巴的,就說是女人不會照顧老公和孩子。還有嗎。。。?我不懂。

說著說著 ,我好像要流眼淚了。好像我很慘那樣,呵呵!但是,心裡就是有種不平衡。女人所做的一切,到最後,若是男人回家給女人個擁抱,孩子給媽媽個微笑,甚麼都了!

King 說,女人是 powerful 的。男人能做的,女人也能做;女人能做的,男人未必能做。


給家翁們 -- 生男生女,是靠你家兒子的 X,Y 精子。麻煩去差差看。
給家婆們 -- 你以前也是人家的媳婦。所以,媳婦的心情你應該最明瞭。
給老公們 -- 老婆是娶來疼的。請多珍惜你家的黃臉婆。要買漂亮的衣服和化妝品是應該的。
給孩子們 -- 媽媽生你雖辛苦,但是你是媽媽的力量。要替媽媽加油哦!
給娘家們 -- 恭喜你擁有一個堅強的女兒!嫁過去了還是個漂亮媽媽!耶!

Mix feeding

現代有很多母親都是餵人奶,而且是 fully breast feeding。而我呢,我和 King 選擇了 mix feeding -- breast milk 加上 formula。然後有一些人就會開始告訴我餵全人奶的好處等等,甚至還超熱情地找上門來。而且還告訴我可以的話,不要餵 formula,而改餵全人奶。我們還是很堅定得做出我們當初的選擇 -- mix feeding。

其實,當了媽媽之後,我對很多事情都看得很開了,也不那麼執著。Dr. Yap 曾經告訴過我們,不要太執著。我當初在還沒生產時是很堅定要餵全人奶。但後來患上 pre-eclampsia 和 血崩之後,我發現到,我能給 Declan 的並不是全人奶,而是我當時能給他最好的,就是我的健康,我要一個健康的身體來保護 Declan 和陪伴他一起成長。這是我和 King 愛他的方式。我沒有給 Declan 全人奶並不代表我不夠愛他呀。

很多母親都勸說,我要努力多一點,餵多一點;還有餵人奶的好處多多;不可以放棄餵人奶,因為人奶是世界上最好的奶;還有一堆啦。有時候我聽得多,我真的很想問這些人,請告訴我們一些我所不知道的!你們所說的,我和 King 都一一明瞭!我們都知道餵人奶很好,最好,特別好,太好不過了!我的人奶不夠,那我能怎樣?該吃的我都吃了,該試的我也試了。我沒有錯。

~ 一位曾餵人奶的印度鄰居告訴我,孩子們是不知道你給他人奶或奶粉的。他們還是一樣的成長。他們還是一樣地愛你。
~ 一位收英文教育的鄰居告訴我,人奶和奶粉都有各自營養。我們不能否定兩種食物。選擇你所能選擇的。
~ 一位好朋友和她母親一直叮嚀我,自己的健康勝過一切。餵奶粉沒有錯。
~ 我那餵全人奶的表妹告訴我說,她很佩服我。因為我經歷了苦難的生產前後過程,我還是願意餵人奶,雖然是不多,但還是很偉大。很多母親未必能做得到如此,甚至早已放棄餵人奶了。
~ 我媽說,有多少人奶,就給多少。不要給自己太大的壓力。
~ King 說,有餵到人奶就很不錯了。他擔心我的健康多過人奶的供應。他可以買奶粉給小 Declan。我知道他不像失去我的健康,更不像失去我。
~ 我看了很多書本。而餵人奶的第一個 priority 就是母親要有個健康的身體。
~ 我是喝奶粉長大的小孩。現在已經 34 歲了。還是活生生的,而且長得還不錯。哈哈哈哈哈哈!

我的身體在生產前后患了那兩種症狀而倒下了。糟糕的是,我在生產后的 6 個星期是需要 on medication 的。雖然醫生都說沒有藥性的副作用,但我還是很不喜歡吃藥,因為我要餵人奶。我吃藥,Declan 也是在吃藥。那怎麼行?!不管那是仙丹靈藥還是普通的藥,都是對 Declan 不好的。所以,我們選擇了給他加上 formula。

我花了6個星期才把自己最 basic 的體能恢復過來 -- 就是上樓梯不喘氣,出門不會勞累,臉色恢復紅嫩,等等。而我生產后的 diarhea 確在第 8,9 週才恢復正常 -- 前面的 8,9 個星期,我天天都在拉肚子!!醫生說那是因為我的腸里感染了不懂甚麼鳥細菌。而我的做月婆在第 8 週離開了我們。我和 King 就開始自己照顧小 Declan 了。我們的飲食都得依靠自己而攝取足夠的營養,而製造有營養的人奶給小 Declan。我和 King 確定了之後都會相互鼓勵。我們要給 Declan 一個有歡樂和健康的家庭。

一直到現在,當 Declan 的 feeding time 到了,我都是先餵人奶,然後再加上奶粉。我的人奶是很少,到現在我還是在繼續餵人奶。我要的是 quality,不是 quantity (volumn)。如果我吃得不夠營養,身體又弱,我有很多很多人奶也沒有用。

每一個家庭所碰到的問題都不一樣。所以,每一位母親都有不同的選擇。我選擇了最適合我們家庭的方式去愛 Declan。請尊重我們吧!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

When they sleep on each other's tummies

I see this scene every morning. They love to sleep on each other's tummy, haha! What a father-and-son scene!

Coby and us

Coby!! Many friends care about Coby after the arrival of Declan. They all asked about Coby and its reaction when he met Declan.

Coby has been behaving well in the past 2 months. He couldn't get to see me for 10 days when I was hospitalized. And when I got home, I couldn't pet and hug him as usual during my confinement. I'd say, Coby and I missed each other very much! King has been taking care of Coby all this while. And, Coby has understood that Daddy is the one who can spend more time with him since then. I'm glad that everything about Coby is well taken care of by King! Even my confinement lady does care about Coby, haha!

Well, we slowly introduce Declan to Coby lately. We feel so touched when Coby kisses Declan's hands and legs!!! It's such an amazing scene!!

Okay, now I can tell everyone that, my family members are King, Coby and Declan. We are one happy family! =)

My content baby

Declan is a music lover, I can tell. When we turn on the music every time, he seems enjoy the musics very much. And, this is the way to keep this little monster occupied when I have to do my own personal things and house chores.

Monday, August 23, 2010

My 34th Birthday

生日--母難日。以前聽過這個辭彙,但根本談不上甚麼感覺。自從生了 Declan 了之後,對“母難日”就有點恐懼感。生日,怎麼過?我今年好像也沒有甚麼興致去慶祝。只要一家人(和 Coby 狗狗)能夠在一起,我就已經很滿足了。我的生日,是我媽 34 年前的母難日。我好像也不好意思去大慶祝甚麼的。

Declan 讓我深深瞭解到母難日的真正意義。回想起我生 Declan 之前與之後所經過的日子,我就流汗!別人生孩子很容易,我這個安帝生孩子就那麼多經歷。嚇人哶?!昨天早上,我們一家人一起去見了我們尊敬的 Dr. Yap。聊了我之前所患的病 (pre-eclampsia 妊辰毒血症 & HELLP syndrome 血崩) 和之後要做的身體檢查等等之後,Dr. Yap 還是鼓勵我們再多個兩年,我可以再懷孕。我簡直就在流汗,舉起雙手,擺個大阿差,表示不可能!!!雖然患的機率還是很高(30%),但是一些人還是鼓勵我要往那 70% 的好機率方面想。我只能說,只有親身體念才能讓人深深瞭解到,生孩子的偉大與危險!而生多少個孩子對我來說,數目不重要。一家人能夠健康快樂得在一起成長才是最珍貴的。人生當中,每一樣東西只要和數目扯上關係的,人人都會拿來做比較。何苦?有多少個孩子,有多少輛車子,有多少個老婆,有多少錢?答案都是一個數字而已。寫一下不就可以了事,呵?!

和死神擦肩而過,我把 King 和 Declan 的手握得緊緊的。憶起當時 King 罵醫生和護士 man man 的樣子,想起我們把 Declan 留在醫院時的情景,我的心還是會抽一下。這兩隻屬老虎的都把我的心抓得緊緊的,我想我這輩子就是要服侍這兩位皇帝的啦,呵呵!

過去這一個月來所接到的越洋電話和問候不斷,鼓勵更是連連,我們的感激真的是不盡!抱歉的是我沒辦法及時向所有的親戚朋友們報平安。曲折的生產故事全都是原自於我的 Placenta 而產生的妊辰高血壓和嚇人的血崩。而我最感激的是醫學的進步!!!否則,我也不敢去想這個“否則”。

我 34 歲的生日,我第一個有寶寶的生日,真的是很不同!餵小恩桐喝奶的感覺就是我最棒的生日禮物!


I'm your sweet mommy!

Hello my lil' KJ! I'm your mommy, a sweet mommy! We met each other 5 weeks earlier but that's okay. I'm thrilled to hold you in my arms! You came to our world earlier and our life is full of laughter since your arrival!

I'm a funny mommy, too. I'm sorry to tell you that I always make you up! This is one of the many ways to show my love towards you, Declan. Daddy said I like to make fun on you and he pity you. But you know what, our life should be full of joy and creativity, even your daily hairstyle! Why should I comb you the same old stupid hairstyle every morning?!?!!!??!!! We should be more creative! =)

I like to spend every single minute with you. But when I wasn't by your bed side, I miss you very much! I miss your baby smell crazily! You mean so much to me, Declan!

At times, how I wish you can stop growing up and be a baby forever. How silly I am! No matter how, Declan, we will go through everything together step by step. Please be patient with us as we are newly parents at this moment. We learn a lot of new things about life since your arrival. I'm happy to say that, your appearance make our life happier and more meaningful! =)

Declan, my sweetheart! Mommy can't stop kissing you from head to toe every day and night. I just love you too much! You are indeed our bundle of joy! =)

Hi from Big Daddy!

Declan, this is your Dad, your proud Daddy! He feels proud every time when you were noticed by stranger outdoor because you look just too cute! And, I love this pinky romper with "If you think I'm cool, you should see my dad"! The shirt says it all, don't you agree, Declan? =)

Daddy loves holding you in his arm all the time. He looks for every single chance to bathe you, change diaper for you and bottle feed you! He just can't stop looking at you and start having a man-talk with ya! I guess you'll be quite occupied by everyone in this house! Or the other way round? Oh hahahaha....

You've a Big Daddy! He's mommy's Big Man! Mommy loves him very very much! And, I hope you love him too! Because Daddy loves you without stopping a single second. Enjoy your days and nights with Big Daddy! =)

Here comes your Wai Gong & Wei Poh

Hello Declan! Here come your Wai Gong and Wai Poh! They always call mommy and ask about you. They love holding you in their arms and talking to you. You gonna love sitting on their laps one day! =)

Here comes your Yeh Yeh & Poh Poh

Hi Declan! Here come your Yeh Yeh and Poh Poh! They can't wait to meet you, you know! They want to hold you in their arms so badly! They even see you from head to toe and check everything of you out! You are gonna love playing with them one day! =)

Our hands

Declan, you are in good hands;
Declan, we've got you in our safe arms;
Declan, daddy and mommy love you!


Everyone likes to plan. Nobody likes no plan ahead before we do and take action. Me neither. Without a plan, I hardly do things right and I know what I want to achieve.

Well, I had my birth plan, King and I have planned a lot of things together for our baby during our pre-birth period. However, we've many unexpected surprises along the pregnancy and child birth delivery. I thought I was able to pre-shadowed whatever I want accordingly along my pregnancy and birth delivery. But now, I learnt that things are not always go with our plans. Nothing is perfect. Now, I've learnt not to be so stubborn but flexible. The flexibility give me strength and happiness! Really!

I wanted to give birth naturally, I should say I WISH TO. And, we planned to deliver baby in a private hospital. I wished to hold my baby right after my delivery and breastfeed him. I even wished to start bonding with him right away!!! I wanted to breastfeed him without giving formula. There are many I-wanted-to or I-wished-to. But surprises pop up out of the sudden one by one. I don't care about those I-wanted-to or I-wished-to. I just want my baby to be safe and sound healthily. It's that simple! Now I even mix-feed Declan without much worries. Why cares much about those plans if I've a better solutions?!

Flexibility give me strength to keep on surviving with my family. And, I am happier now and then! =)

My confinement lady

This is my beloved Confinement Lady! She's such a wonderful nanny in the past 7 weeks! We are so blessed to have her during my confinement period and Declan was well taken care of! Surprisingly, she even rang me up a couple times to check things out and make sure we are doing alright with little Declan. We became good friends now. =)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Thank you, Dr. Yap!!!

Dr. Yap, you are a wonderful Gynae to us!!

We paid Dr. Yap a visit after my confinement to show our greatest appreciation. I was very very happy to visit her with Declan and King since the delivery. She is a wonderful doctor who helped us to save a big amount of medical bill in the end. Knowing that I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia, she suggested us to have ourselves registered in UMMC as early as we could for emergency purpose. We felt thankful to follow her instructions. And now, both mother and baby are safe and sound.

Declan, Dr. Yap save our lives! I'll bring you to visit her when you are able to say Thank-you one day! =)

Napping time

Both of us have moved into Declan's room at night. Declan sleep in his crib since day one. We want him to sleep in his own place. And so, we started the training early.

I am the one who take care of Declan in the middle of night. King sleeps next to me and he takes turn around 7 am. And, I continue for my short nap before the next morning feeding. When we see Declan in his own crib, we feel secured and have a peace of mind. We are glad that Declan is able to sleep on his own without using any other method (touch wood!).

Waking up in the middle of night is tiring. But I do enjoy the work. I don't know how to describe my joy while I see the King Senior and King Junior sleeping in the same room with me. I've two Kings in the room!!! Hehehe....

Having the persons you love sleeping next to you is such an amazing feeling! =)

Changing diaper

Diaper is good friend of all babies. And so does Declan! =)

Every time when I said "change diaper", Declan will raise his both legs. Awwww.... So so cute! Declan can read my mind. I love playing that with him! Declan is a boy with penis (of course!). The most challenging part of changing diaper for Declan is he pees in the half way of changing diaper! Hahahaha.... The little fountain is GOOD, I tell you! Well well well, I've found a way to prevent the fountain leaking, hahaha.... Practice made a good result! :p

Learning the color and shape of stool is part of it. Oh my, his little butt is so soft and cute! I feel like to bite this little lazy butt, ha!

Diaper, diaper, diaper, thanks for cleaning up all the dirty work for us! =)

Feeding time

Oh gosh, feeding!! Feeding, feeding, feeding Declan! It's so amazing to see Declan while he is sucking away!

My breast milk production is low. I tried many methods but the production doesn't increased tremendously. And so, we mix feed Declan. We find the best method to suit our life style and needs. Declan milk my breasts still although he does drink formula. I am busy every 3 hours! His mouth is tiny and I like to see his hungry face, ah hahaha! Naughty mommy I am!

King enjoys feeding Declan, too -- of course, only bottle feeding! He looks so fatherly while feeding Declan! One of the best picture I've ever seen on King! Ahhh.... The father and the son.... =)

Bathing time!

After regaining my health and energy, I must start taking up all the "courses" from my confinement lady. Being newly dad and mom, King and I were nervous while holding little tiny Declan in the bathe tub. Well, nothing is impossible, haha!

Declan is small. Every part of him is small and cute!!!! We hold him carefully in everything single steps. King hardly remember all the steps but he was so brave to take up the bathing course. I was surprise that he asked for it in the beginning. It is good for the father to learn all the basic stuff. So that, I've an assistant when I'm not available.

Well, undressing Declan, applying all kinda oil and cream, wrapping up, bathing, playing water, talking and guiding, cleaning up, dressing up, changing diaper, combing, whatever you name it.... We love every part of bonding with baby Declan. Declan didn't like the way we hold him and bathe him at first. Man, his crying made me scared and nervous. His tear drop is real!!!! Hahahaha.... But still, we enjoy every moment with Declan! Oh my, he such an adorable baby doll! =)

We took more than a week for the bathing class and now, we can do it without any help! And, Declan enjoys playing water in his little bath tub! It's such a good bonding time every morning and I always looking forward for this session with Declan, hehehe!

Happy bathing, my little Declan!

Temple visit after my 40 days of confinement

I did confinement for 40 days. I started to regain my energy to do basic stuff. And so, we decided to visit the 天后宮 temple and thank God for protecting me and baby Declan from the tough delivery. I feel thankful and blessing!!!!! Really!!

I made a wish in front of the God. God, please grand us a happy and healthy family! We love each other very very much and we cherish each other every single minute! We love whatever we are and we'll live our life to the fullest, God! And again, thank you for granting us such a beautiful baby! We love him very much and we promise to raise him up in an educated environment. Thank you, God!

Full month of Baby Declan

Baby Declan was born on 15th of June. We had some guests at home during the weekend before 15th of June. King and my parents were here on 15th of June for our own family celebration. I was so glad for their arrival and attendance.

I couldn't believe that lil' Declan was one month old! He was around 2.5 kg, even though he looked small. I was having my confinement, still, to regain my health. My confinement lady (Kam Jie) did a good job and we decided to extend her for another 3 weeks stay. Man, it was so good to have her for 7 weeks in total!!

Something that blow out my mind was, I didn't take shower for 2 weeks!!!!!! Eewwwwww!!!! How did I do that?! How???? Gosh, I couldn't stand for the unwashed hair but I followed the tradition no matter how. Well, regaining my health was my purpose. Without health, it is impossible for me to take care of lil' Declan and King in the future!

Lil' Declan, lil' Declan..... Daddy and Mommy are so happy to have you in our family! Having you with us in the first month was great! We hope that you had good time with us, too! We love you, Declan!

Busy busy busy

It has been a while for not updating my blog. Yes, I'm busy! I'm very busy with my new family life! =)

Well, I've many things to update and note down as I know that I will review my life again and again. While King and I are adjusting our new life routine, my mind is full of writing, still. That's the purpose of having this blog. King is bonding with baby Declan now and here I've my own personal time for my blog. Stay tune.....

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Our new family member

KJ has got a new name -- Declan Lau 劉恩桐. This is a name that given by his proud Daddy. We love the name very much! =)

My 35 weeks -- KJ arrives!

34 weeks 6 days, King brought me for Gynae check up as usual. The moment we stepped into Dr Yap's room, she told us right away, Wan Teen, you have to deliver your baby today or tonight! We were shocked! My blood pressure was high -- around 160/110 and the protein level found from my urine was high too -- more than 2. My eyes were puffy and my face was swollen -- I thought I was having water retention. All these indicated that I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia (pregnancy induced hypertension) and the only solution is to deliver the baby. Dr Yap ultrasound KJ again and KJ was doing fine (fitness, heart beat) but he was underweight with 1.6 kg merely at his gestational week. And because of all the reasons put together, Dr Yap demand King to send me to UMMC right away without thinking twice. Dr Yap wrote a reference letter to a Gynae and she rang the Gynae for KIV arrangement. Everything seems unusual to me. I was wheeled by a nurse and King sent me to UMMC right after that. Dr Yap was praying for us, I know that. She told me before seeing me off, "I want you to deliver your baby in UMMC. They have many good doctors and you'll save a lot of money, trust me.".

The minute I was arrived in UMMC, King wheeled me to the labor ward. The medical team did all the arrangement for us. From that minute on, I was monitored closely by the medical team for blood pressure reading and pre-eclampsia symptoms. They sent me to general ward for a few hours monitoring. King went back home and brought me my hospital bag.

Around 7 pm, I started to have nausea -- one of the pre-eclampsia symptoms. I rang the nurse and the team transfer me to labor ward. I sms King quickly that I might deliver KJ that night. He's going to be a father very very soon!

At midnight, I started to have gastric pain -- another pre-eclampsia symptom. I was nervous and the medical team decided to deliver KJ right away for safety purpose. Otherwise, KJ and I will be in danger. The hospital rang King right away and the medical team prepared all the equipments for me. I told myself that, KJ, you are going to be alright, mommy will meet you soon, let's work things out together!

I finally saw King again when I was bed-wheeled to the operation theatre. King gave me a smile and I know I'm gonna be alright. The operation theatre was damn cold. I was excited but nervous. I just couldn't wait to meet my little KJ. The operation didn't take too long. I was told by the team that KJ is smaller than other babies. I heard KJ's crying noise and I was happy. But I didn't see KJ right away. I didn't think too much. I just want KJ to be safe and healthy.

I was bed-wheeled to another room for blood pressure monitoring right after my delivery. I was there for about 15 to 20 minutes. I was conscious and I wish to see King. After that, I was transfer back to labor ward for monitoring again. King came to my bed after seeing KJ. He showed me KJ's pictures and videos, and we are very happy that KJ is fit and healthy. KJ can breath by himself without using oxygen supply.

Next day, I saw another medical team standing next to my bed after I came back from toilet. One of the doctors asked me, how do I feel now. I told them that I felt dizziness and tiredness. The specialist who is named PC Tan told me that I developed HELLP Syndromes during my delivery. I didn't know what the heck HELLP Syndromes is. They told me that my liver enzyme is shoot up tremendously, my platelets count drops seriously to classification 3 (the most critical) and my red blood cell counts drop. This can be very serious!!! I asked the team, am I going to be alright? Dr Tan explained to me what they are going to do the next. I'll have 2 packs of blood transfusion and steroid injections. Blood test is a must everyday for making sure everything gets back to normal. I was shocked, still. Why am I having such a complicated and tough delivery?! Before the team left, I requested a doctor to explain everything to King.

King was informed and he came to me. I was comforted. King did wiki HELLP Syndromes at home that night and he was worried. Fortunately, I was transfer to general ward after the blood transfusion was done on the same day. Since then, I stayed in the general ward for another 6 nights. It seemed like a year long to me!

Mom got to know about the delivery and she rushed to KL for visiting. Thank God mom was here for help! And, thank god again, my confinement lady rushed to KL for help and start working! Help is coming, I told myself. Since then, King was my meal delivery guy. Mom went back to hometown when my confinement lady was here. I'm glad that part of the things were settled down, although I needed to be hospitalized.

KJ stayed in the hospital with me. So I wasn't alone. I started to breastfeed him. But my blood pressure didn't drop to normal reading. I hate to be on medication but I've no choice. After a week, the medical team discharged me and I have to go back for check up after 2 weeks time. I was happy about the go-home news! However, KJ needed to be stay in the hospital for weight gaining purpose -- he weighed 1.62 kg merely. My breast milk was not enough for KJ. And that's why KJ didn't gain weight accordingly. For safety and healthy reason, we decided to put KJ in the hospital for a few days. Hopefully the team will be good, they better be! I couldn't stop crying while leaving KJ in the incubator...... I felt guilty and sorry for leaving him!!! Thank God I've King and a few supporting friends. I was comforted that I need to build up my health before welcoming KJ home. And I promised King and KJ that I'll do that.

Home sweet home! I rested and slept well at home. I was the breast milk suppler and King was the milk delivery guy. I visited KJ every day happily. Oh my, little KJ was famous in the Pediatric ward because of his active kicking and punching, and his tiny body. Many people came to King and me when we were there.

My blood pressure has dropped to normal reading after a few days fully resting. And another good news was KJ can come home!!! This is the day that we have hoping for so long! When KJ came home, his 4 grandparents were at our house for welcoming. =)

Four of us were together, finally! King, me, Coby and KJ!!!!! This is one family! I had a tough delivery and I have a lot of thought after all these. Thank God that KJ and I survived and we are recovering well! Thank King for supporting and everything! Thank Coby for cooperation! Thank my family for praying! Thank all my friends for praying, blessing, phone calling and everything! It's blessing in disguised! I wanna thank another important person -- Dr Yap! She's the one who safe us and she saves King's wallet! The medical bill turns out cheap and affordable! We are blessed that we went to a good and ethical doctor!

Life is a celebration. Living healthily has became a wish to me and King. We never thought of any serious illness which will strike any of us suddenly but it had happened. We are blessed that we've overcame the worst situation together. And now, we've one new family member -- KJ! No matter what had happened, we welcome KJ and we are happy that we've extent our family to a greater height.

Thank you all! We wish all of you happy and healthy! =)

To my dearest friend -- Luke Yeow

3/6 下午,我因為高血壓而進院觀察;確沒想到同時的你跌下山而受傷,等待救援。
4/6 ,我吵著要出院,醫生說我可以出院在家休息;確沒想到同時的你在手術室里。
5/6 傍晚,我接到欣卉的短訊,說你剛去世。我從午睡中跳醒,讀了 SMS 幾遍,馬上打電話給阿卉問個清楚,再上网讀你的消息。你,真的離開了嗎?我不敢去想太多,因為我要保持我血壓的指數。King 帶我和朋友外出用餐,他們和我聊別的話題。我的心情是平復的。回家的路程中,鳳嬌和佳臻都打電話來,不知要如何把消息告訴我,因為大家都知道我現在有身孕。如何開口啊,你說?後來,我的心情還是平靜的。但是就是不能接受你突然離開的事實。那一晚,沒有人可以入眠。
6/6 一早,我給 King 唱了生日歌。然後,King 開始和我一起回憶和你的點滴,特別是你10年前去加州找我們的日子。King 很記得,很記得,我們帶你去 Infinite Loop 買你的蘋果衣服,等等。他說,你的忌日,怎麼和他的生日那麼近。他很難過。後來,我打了電話給寶玉。她在電話里頭哭得不能自己,我強忍著淚水,叫她要冷靜。你啊,真叫我難做人啊!下午,我讀了你在 Facebook profile 里很多朋友為你留的言。我突然間痛哭了 5 分鐘。King 把我抱得緊緊的。他說,那是場意外。

--兩個月前,你不是才帶我去吃好吃的日本餐嗎?付錢的時候,我說,做麼吃降貴的啊?NT$1000!!!你說,你朋友我在 IBM 上班,別擔心啦!反正我也沒吃過,你就陪我吃咯!


因為你的離去,大家都很努力得上 Facebook 想要知道你得消息和後事安排。我知道你很怕別人談你的是非。然而,這一次,你讓我們太緊張了。你的後事和葬禮,我無法出席。但是我知道你一定能了解我的原因。我會告訴寶寶,媽咪有一位很要好的朋友,雖然他已在另一個世界繼續追尋他的夢想,我們不能見面,但是他是一個守護著我們的帥天使。

我不知道要如何把這篇文章做個 ending,因為這一次的拜拜,實在是太沈重了。保重,dear!

Third Trimester

After coming back from Koh Samui, Thailand, I entered my third trimester. Fatigue strike me again and I was so lazy to do anything. I basically slept and rest a lot.

When I was in 33 weeks, I was refered to UMMC by my Gynae suddenly. Dr Yap told us about pre-eclampsia and the symptoms that I need to pay attention with. My blood pressure was shoot up noticeably and I was admitted into UMMC for a night of blood pressure monitoring. I was shocked and I hate to be admitted into the hospital out of the sudden. Oh well, we've no choice. So I was sort of being forced to stay in the hospital for a night. I told the nurses and doctors that I WANTED TO GO HOME because I couldn't rest at all in the hospital! One of the doctors calmed me down by explaining how serious a pre-eclampsia could be. So I tried to cooperate with them as much as I could and I was able to discharge the next day. It was so good to be home!!!!

Since then, I monitored my blood pressure closely at home. I do not want to be admitted into hospital again unless KJ is ready to meet us. Hence, I rest and sleep as much as I could since then. I was told by Dr Yap that I might need to deliver KJ in UMMC (a government subsidized university hospital) if I had the complication and if KJ is underweight. Dr Yap's purpose is to save our medical bill. King and I sort of understand and we follow what Dr Yap has told us.

It's no fun to have "surprise", some times. But nothing is perfect. We want a safe and healthy baby delivery, that's our aim.

Koh Samui

King is taking a long break since April. We had so many plans to do since then as we didn't wanna miss our plans out before King Junior arrives. One of the plans was having a honeymoon!

Welp, we chose Koh Samui in east Thailand at last. It was a 5 days trip. We had a lot of great time together in the hotel and at the beach for 5 days. I wanted to take my pregnancy pictures so badly. And so, I took some ideas from the Internet before heading to Samui Island. Both of us are not professional in photo shooting. But King did a good job and I love all my pictures very much! Being pregnant is once or twice in a life time. If I missed out the opportunity of taking pregnancy pictures, I don't know when is my next chance, haha!

We spent all our time in the hotel everyday. Of course, we did sunbath at the hotel private beach, too. Many people noticed my baby bump and I was well-taken care of wherever I went. This is the privilege of being a preggie, haha! Everybody said "Good luck" to both of us.

Walking at the beach hand-in-hand with King -- this is what I love the most in the trip! I told King, KJ will be the sandwich between us when he is here one day. But King said each of us will take turn and be sandwiched accordingly. He wants KJ to know that Daddy needs Mommy sometimes and Mommy needs Daddy sometimes too. =)

King brought me for star view every night after dinner. We miss starry night so so much!!! We had many great moments together in Samui Island. And, we had a lot of fun topics to talk to as well. Having a great partner is more than enough wherever a destination is.

I wanna thank King for a wonderful holiday! Now I can cross out an item from my Wish List. =)

I'm back!

I'm back! Yes, I'm back to my blog after 2 months! =)

Well, I kept on thinking of updating my blog at times but I had no time to do so. I'm going to write down what I have missed in the past few months. Every moment is important to me. So, stay tune!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My right side of my baby bump

Lil' baby KJ likes to park himself on my right side of the belly. If you wanna look for baby KJ, please look at my right side of my belly.

Baby KJ kicks and punches frequently, especially after having meal. This lil' angel tickle me at times; I laugh out loud suddenly at times. This is a wonderful feeling! King and I know that baby KJ likes to play with us. Baby is active and curious inside the womb.

Baby KJ, we'll miss this wonderful feeling and moments for sure after this July! We love you, baby KJ! =)

Books for baby KJ

I know I've mentioned many times -- King and I are book lovers. So, it's no doubt that we prepare books and book shelves for our lil' baby KJ. Hehe!

Some people think it's a bit too early for us to prepare books for the lil' one, esp the books for 2 years old and above. I disagree with these people. There's no rule saying that this book is mainly for toddler or young kid or teenager or even an adult. Adult enjoys reading pictures book too; young kid enjoys reading fictions too; baby enjoys reading colorful pictures no matter how many words in it too. We buy good books for all sort of ages, including for ourselves. I laugh at these people because they know nothing about books. Toddlers and kids can't read many words, yet the parents can share the content after reading with the kids, why not?! Parents can spend more quality time with the toddlers or kids by flipping the books, why not?! Parents can figure out the doubts that questioned by the kid from the books, why not?! Why NOT?!

Think out of the box, people. THINK! =)

Taking a break

King is taking a break from work lately. Thank godness he's with me all this while when I lost my Grandma and my baby bump is growing bigger and heavier. He's such a kind hubby, I'd say.

** Well, we did some gardening together, although I hardly do much and King did most of it under Coby's inspection, haha! We know that we will not have time to do gardening together when baby KJ comes to this world.

** King goes for shopping with me all the time. We shop for home furnitures and stuff for baby KJ. It's so good to have a good driver when my belly is big, ha!

** King brings me for swimming with my sister when we have time during weekend. King is a good swimmer. We agree to let baby KJ to take up swimming lesson when he's ready in a few months old.

** We brought Coby to see vet when Coby started to unwell a week ago. Oh man, I don't know how am I going to handle Coby without King because my baby bump is heavy. Coby, we can't live without daddy, do you know that?

** We hang around in bookstore again when we have time. We bought new books for ourselves and baby KJ, again. Hehe!

** We have a lot of DVDs on our TV shelves. I cried wholeheartedly when we watched "Ten Promises", damn it! More DVDs to come while sitting next to King.

** Walking Coby together in the park is our usual daily job. We started to imagine when baby KJ is sitting in his baby stroller, checking out the park and birds in the park together with us, that's nice and sweet!

** Of course, King tend to have more sweet time for me and baby KJ. We talk to and play with baby KJ every morning and every evening. Baby KJ is starting to build the bonding with us and we enjoy every moment with him.

There are more things that we haven't start doing..... Catching movies in theatre, having fun in the kitchen together, designing the room for baby KJ, more and more.

It's good to take a break from work. Life with family is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

My dearest Grandma

I lost my beloved Grandma 3 weeks ago. I was sadden by the news although King and I did visit her a few days before she said final good-bye to everyone.

I tried to hold my tear most of the time because I want to handle the emotion well. But I did have teary eyes a couple times when I was alone.

Well, I did share the good news of having baby KJ with Grandma when she was still alive. She said she wanted to give him a red packet. I was touched after hearing that and was hoping that she could wait until July or August when baby KJ is born. Yet, Grandma is having reunion with Grandpa in the Heaven by now. So I guess it's a good thing in a way.

Baby KJ sensed my sadness and exhausting body during the traveling and funeral. But he was very cooperative with us. He didn't kick a lot; he gave me a peaceful of mind. Thank you, baby KJ.

Grandma has became one of my idols. I see her from the motherly part. I know that I gotta live stronger and happier because I'm going to be a mother soon. Grandma, may you rest in peace and we will miss you forever...... I love you!

The 5 kg

I finally reach 49 kg yesterday, yay! Well, I sound like someone who like to shade off some extra pounds, hahaha! No no, what I mean is I have gained extra 5 kg in the past 6 months, hooray! I'm happy, King is happy too!

By putting on weight, I started to drink fresh milk everyday and eat my favorite Avocado. Most people think I've the potential and good reasons to eat more more more based on my skinny and petite body shape. I disagree with this mentality and saying because everyone has different bone structure and body shape. I just want to eat healthy for myself and my baby, that's it.

Something good that I really wanna mention is baby KJ kicks a lot after having meal every time. I'm happy that he enjoys the food that we have together. I told baby KJ that all kinda food is good for him.

My target weight is 53 kg. Keep it up, mum-to-be! =)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

夫妻誰的基因決定了孩子 (1)


基因, 夫妻, 孩子








男生是XY,X (卵)是來自母親,Y(精子)是來自父親。

女生是XX,X (卵)是來自母親,X(精子)是來自父親。




因為女生的智商是父親母親都有影響,所以會有中和的效應。所以女生智商的分布會呈現自然分布(normal distribution),就是倒鐘狀,中間最多,兩邊較少。



1. 你要判斷一個男生聰不聰明,看他媽媽就知道了。可是,你又要怎麼判斷一個男生的媽媽聰不聰明?......。.想不出簡便的方法...。.

2. 然後我們用機率來算:

生男孩的機率= 1/2;生女孩的機率=1/2。

生男孩的時候,母親對於男孩智商的影響力 = 1

生女孩的時候,母親對於女孩智商的影響力 = 1/2


1*1/2 + 1/2*1/2 : 0*1/2 + 1/2*1/2= 0.75 : 0.25= 3 : 1= 母: 父


1. 是男生,如果你覺得你很笨的話。你千萬要娶一個聰明的女生來。這樣你小孩翻盤的機率還有七成五,人生還是充滿了希望。

2. 是女生,如果你覺得你很笨的話,因為,你翻人家盤的機率有七成五...。.啊,我不能再說了.......。.總之,最近天氣不錯,出去走走。

3. 當你看到一個男生很聰明的時候,則,他父親很聰明的機率是 0% (應該說,就算他父親很聰明,也對他是沒有影響的),可是他母親很聰明的機率是100%。





























Wednesday, March 31, 2010

KJ -- King Junior

I started to use KJ to represent my lil' one lately. Does KJ sound good? Hahaha.... KJ means King Junior! :D KJ oh KJ, I like this short form of nickname so so much! If I have a baby girl next round, I'll call her EJ, which represent Eunice Junior, hahahaha!!! Hmmm.... Let's focus on KJ now first.

KJ KJ KJ! I like KJ! =)

Good and relaxing mood

I'm glad that I did go for a trip after knowing that I am diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. I'm relief after the trip because relaxing mood does help to ease my condition and worries. Pregnancy does change a woman's health due to the hormone change. Good mood is the best medicine after all.

After chatting with a few cousins and friends of mine, my condition seems controllable. As long as my physician and Gynae do monitor my health condition with blood test, I would be fine. And so does KJ. I keep telling KJ that he'll be a healthy and happy boy. And he'll be a full term baby.

Moreover, Raimond Lap's musics ease my mood every single minute. KJ seems calm while I listen to Raimond's songs. And my blood pressure is under control by having a relaxing mood.

Alrighty, keep it up! =)


I like this article and would like to share with my friends on my blog. Happy reading! =)

于敏 / 张力








(丈夫于敏,从事资讯科技业 13载。酷爱理财,热衷投资。40岁前实现了财务自由的理想,现在南加州大学攻读工商管理硕士学位。妻子张力,从事资讯科技业 9年后从白领丽人变身全职主妇。无论工作还是在家,干的都是花钱的事。本文所述仅代表他们的个人观点。)


天啊!我在台灣買了很多很多 KJ 的東西!老公說,如果我繼續待在台灣一兩個禮拜,他可要幫我把我的戰力品船運回家了,呵呵!


書本,我最不能掉以輕心的 ITEM。我很注重看書的好習慣,和書本的選擇性。我很高興得找到了一些我很喜歡的書本,和給 KJ 看的書本和畫本。KJ,爹地媽咪都是愛書人。我們希望你也能參與和我們一起享受看書的樂趣。書中自有黃金屋。而我們也選擇了英文和中文書給 KJ。KJ 一定要學會讀中英文書!

買買買,我們都開始為 KJ 而忙了。


我在台北的日子,堂姐一家人都很照顧我這個大肚婆。而我的 KJ 也從來沒有餓過,哈哈哈!在台灣的十天,我的體重增加了2 KG,夠力夠力夠力!!!但是,我真的很享受台灣食物,哈哈!KJ,你真的是有口福哩!希望你將來不會是個偏食的小朋友哦!

而我的6歲表姪子陽陽也很棒!他還替我想了一個英文名字給 KJ - Wester Lau。雖然我們還沒有確定 KJ 的中英文名字,但是6歲陽陽的細心真的是讓我整個人都融化掉了!孕婦是不是都比較容易被感動啊?哈哈哈!



在台灣的十天,我到台中和 KING 住幾天。自己挺著一個大肚子到處去逛和吃,還算不錯。當然,也為 KJ 買了很多東西,很是開心。有位司機先生知道了我獨自去逛,他開玩笑得說,老公不對哦,怎麼能讓太太獨自挺著一個大肚子逛街呢。我笑笑得回答說,我老公很愛我的,我也不會讓他擔心。他用往後鏡看了看我,沒說甚麼,呵呵!



My first flight with KJ

Well now, we are back from Taiwan! We had a lot of fun time with daddy and mommy's cousin family. And, I'm glad that King Junior (KJ) experienced the first flight with mommy, although daddy can't make it together with us in the round trip. But there are more to come, nothing to worry about!

On the way to Taiwan from Kuala Lumpur, KJ kicked a lot and I guess he didn't know what's going on while the flight was taking off and landing. I touched my baby bump and explained to KJ that we are gonna be alright. Mr. Pilot will ride us to our destination and meet daddy pretty soon. Something to mention, I'm glad that all the flight attendences, airport helpers and bus drivers gave me a hand when I had hard time to carry my luggage. KJ, you are such a lucky star to mommy!

On our way back to M'sia, KJ seemed pretty calm and steady in my baby bump. Welp, KJ, you'll experience more airplane ride in the future because the world is so big and beautiful for you to explore!

We love you, KJ! =)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Airplane ride

I told my baby that we are going for an airplane ride today! Sit tight in my tummy and we'll see daddy soon!

It's funny that I keep talking to my belly. But with the responds and kicking, it brings more happiness to me! I told my Lil' one this early morning, mommy will bring him for an airplane ride this evening and it only last 4 to 5 hours long. We'll reach Taipei pretty late but please hang in there with mommy. Please be good, my baby. Please cooperate with mommy, my baby. We gonna have a fun but also relaxing trip. We'll meet mommy's cousin and your cousin Ryemco. Mommy and daddy will introduce the world and our friends to you, my baby. Get your seat belt ready, baby!

Coby will stay at pet hotel when we are away. I told Coby what he'll do in the pet hotel and who is he going to meet in the pet hotel (oh well, he knows some of his doggy friends there). He seems unhappy with the arrangement but I told Coby that we'll pick him up after our trip. He seems understand. Oh dear Coby, you are such a sweet dog!

Alright, pack things up and get ready. Fasten your seat belt, baby! =)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A wake up call to me -- Hypothyroidism

I'm diagnosed with Hypothyroid and I was confirmed by my Gynae and a physician few days ago through a blood test. Thank godness my condition is pretty mild but I must be under medication as soon as possible. How did I find out? I would say it's blessing in disguise! My blood pressure was high during my last pregnancy check up due to the stair climbing in that morning and so I did the blood test for hypertension test. And that's how we found out that my Thyroid level is lower than the bracket.

After seeing my Gynae and an Endocrine specialist on the same day, they prescribe me the medicine to ease my Thyroid disorder problem. I was worried about the side effect of taking the drug and the harm that'd bring to my unborn baby. Fortunately, there's no harmful effect to my pregnancy and my baby. And so, I've no choice to take the medicine everyday.

I was a bit helpless when I deal with my Endocrine specialist after the confirmation. King is on business trip and I had to handle the emotion all by myself in the specialist hospital. I was pretty upset while driving back home and I even had a few tear drops. How I wish I could have a drug-free pregnancy.

Well, so, I started to do a lot of research online and read as many articles as I can. I realized that how dangerous it could be if I do not take the advice from my doctors. Being a victim of Iodine deficiency, the fetal will not be able to develop his/her brain healthily, which means, it might cause brain retardation to the baby when the baby is born, if the disease is not under control or gets worse. I was so worried and I couldn't think much after reading all these.

I'm lucky to have a cheerful husband. We talked via Skype that night and he told me that we'll be in this together. I felt guilty to take drug during my pregnancy; I felt bad to my baby; I felt sorry to King as I promise to give him a healthy baby. But I felt relief and the pain went away bit by bit after hearing the comforting words from King.

Next day, I talked to a few friends and my cousins who have diagnosed Thyroid disorder before. I want to know the root cause -- family gene or diet or insufficient medical check up or anything. I felt relief after figuring things out. And now, I'm back to the happy-me!

My health condition will be monitored by my Endocrine specialist every month, which is a must. I'm sure my Gynae and my physician will make my pregnancy stable and healthy. This is a wake up call to me and King. It's so important to study our family medical history for more prevention and health awareness. No matter what kinda disease our upper generations have diagnosed, we must do our part on the medical check up and it's always good for our next generation. Do not take health for granted! Medical check up and knowledge studying do not cost us a lot but the emotion of dealing with health issue cannot be described in words! Diabetes, heart disease, Thyroid disorder, Cancer, Papsmear, etc, whatever we have seen in our family, it's something important to know of. It's our responsibility to be aware of for our next generation!

Right now, I feel a lot better because Hypothyroid is not a serious disease after all if it's under control. The medicine that I'm taking now is one kinda natural hormone that good for my baby.

My dearest baby, oh, my dearest baby, mommy and daddy will protect you! We love you! =)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My chicken essence

I made King my own brand of chicken essence when he was back from a business trip. Ah ha! It took me only 4 hours to make it and it did smell good, hahaha! I showed King how to prepare the ingredients and the kitchen utensils while showing him off my chicken essence. I can see the smile on his face! :p

Well, so..... King loves my chicken essence!! I'm glad that I can make more home brand chicken essence for this family, haha! Chicken oh chicken, you taste too nice! :p

The Man in my world -- the real King

King was back for a short weekend last week. His caring melt my heart. It's not easy to take care of myself mentally during my pregnancy. He miss me and our Lil' one very much. I couldn't ask for more when I think of this wonderful man in my world.

We always believe that it's good to have a short separation for a couple. But it requires more mental support for a preggie when it comes to a short separation, especially I live by myself with the only dog. I'm glad that King was trying his best to be back as early as he could. I saw his effort and the love he is nurturing with this family.

Well, we spent a lot of good quality time together before his next trip. He brought me to get a maternity long jeans, we went for my favorite Japanese food, we hang out in Borders bookstore as usual, he showered Coby and took care of his morning and evening walk, he asked Coby to take care of me when he is away again. I think my pregnancy will not be sailing smoothly without King's support and caring.

Now King is off to business trip again. I'll meet him in Taiwan in a few days time for 10 days trip. This man in my life might not be a perfect man but he's just too perfect to me. I tell my baby that he has a wonderful daddy who miss talking to him everyday. Our baby boy responds to King when the Lil' one heard his voice, even via Skype. Isn't it amazing?!

King told me once, he'll work harder for this family. I hug him silently and thank him for everything.

Again, I wanna thank God to grant me a perfect man and make my life even more beautiful! And, I love you, my love! =)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


今天的我特別開心!因為我今天為自己和 baby 燉了雞精,哈哈哈!!!好好喝哦!

我一向來沒有喝雞精的習慣。但是在网上得到一些訊息說,雞精對孕婦和 baby 都很好。所以,我也來嘗試自己燉雞精為我和 baby 補一補吧!

其實,我是蠻羨慕身邊一些女性朋友們不用親自下廚,確有媽媽或家婆幫忙煮菜和燉補品,而自己又能好好休息。但是,一向來都很獨立的我,自己就得親自下廚和燉燉補品,就當作學習的日子吧。我媽要照顧我爸和幫忙生意的打點,我也不好意思叫我媽來照顧我的飲食;我家婆身子不好,所以我更不可能麻煩她。所以,我在沒有選擇的餘地之下,只好自己照顧自己了。呵呵!我要感謝我肚子里的 baby!因為他的合作,讓我可以有不錯的身體而好好自己煮菜和燉補品,哈哈哈!媽咪愛你,寶寶!


我還要繼續尋找燉補品的 recipe 呢!為自己和家人而加油!耶!=)

Monday, March 8, 2010

My pregnancy and parenting books

Books are meant to be explored and read. Bookstore is one of the favorite places of King and my. What a pity that Amazon doesn't have a mailing service in Malaysia. Otherwise, I'll spend on more books! Books is one of the best heritage to pass on to our next generation, I mean, only good books. I love books, ah ha!

Welp, the following books are what I've been reading and catching up with. I like them all.
1. On Becoming Birth Wise
2. On Becoming Baby Wise
3. On Becoming Toddler Wise
4. Itsy Bitsy Yoga: Poses to help your baby sleep longer, digest better and grow stronger
5. The Science of Parenting
6. Dr. Spock's baby & child care
7. What to Expect when you're Expecting
8. 七田真最新胎教
9. 不可思議的胎教
10. 聰明媽媽的胎內育兒法
11. 七田真 0-6 歲育兒法
12. 每個媽媽都是七田真
13. 決定孩子一生理財教育

The books lend by my friends:
14. 輕鬆度過懷胎十月
15. Complete Pregnancy & Baby Book
16. He's having a baby: the complete guide to fatherhood

Besides the books, my favorite pregnancy website is

More to add into my bookshelf but I need some time to find them out. I've a list of books that I want to buy. Sighs, good books are so limited and hard to find here in Malaysia. Wish me luck!

Thursday, March 4, 2010




我和 KING 討論過,當我們的孩子問很多“為甚麼”時,要如何應付。我們的地理歷史不是一百分,經濟學也不是 A+,動物植物學樣樣半桶水,而我們的耐心更不是一百分呀!經過商討之後,我們希望我們能和孩子一起努力尋找答案,不恥下問的精神,應該要和孩子一樣。但是,教導孩子自尋正確的資訊更是重要。我發覺到現代的孩子們很愛問問題,但確不知如何自尋答案。



老公出差去了,而我自己照顧自己的日子又開始了。當他抱著我,告訴我要好好照顧自己和寶寶的時候,我的眼眶確濕了。本以為我不會怎麼樣,因為我多兩個禮拜會去和老公會面,順便到處去走走,跟寶寶介紹一下這個世界,是件開心的事。但是,我的懷孕荷爾蒙確作怪,讓我突然間變得很無助。當然,我不想讓寶寶的爹地知道我流淚的事,好讓他安心得去公幹。所以,我們家的 Coby就傻傻地看著我在家流淚。可憐的狗。

在老公出差前,他都很細心地盡量把我不方便做的而他確可以幫上忙的事情一一搞定。幫我清理屋子啦,修修草地啦,買 Coby 的狗餅啦,交代我如何用新的 printer 啦,把要清的賬單和單子準備好啦,換床單啦,這個那個的。雖然我的肚子不是特別大,但是行動方面還是會有點兒喘和慢。而他的細心確是滿滿的,我的感動也是滿滿的!

很多人都說,懷第一胎時,老公都會特別緊張。不管甚麼事情,老婆都是最大!呵呵!我曾經問過 King, 當我有機會懷第二胎時,他會不會像現在這樣得對我體貼和細心。他笑了笑,拍了拍我的手。而一些媽媽級的朋友告訴我,要好好利用我懷第一胎的機會,叫老公做這個做那個。否則,懷第二胎時,就很難有這種特權了。呵呵!不管怎樣,我還是很感激 KING 對我的體貼和幫忙!兩個人要一輩子的在一起生活,感激的心很重要。這也是讓我們不管走到那裡都一直牽手的原故。


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

19 weeks

This picture was taken during Chinese New Year in year 2010. I was in week 19th. My baby bump is shown obviously. Look at the father-to-be, his belly is as big as mine, haha!

Up closed and personal

"Hey, baby is kicking now! Come and see, 寶貝!" I told King.

When I feel the kicking and movement from my baby bump all the time, King will come and stare at my baby bump and wait for the next kick or move. He loves to touch my baby bump or put his ear right on my belly. Just to get closer to our Lil' one.

"So, what are you doing in there now, baby?"
"Are you playing or sucking your thumb now?"
"Hello, baby, this is daddy and mommy!"
"......" more and more....

King gives my baby bump a kiss. I can't kiss my baby bump, too bad, hahaha! Baby, we hope you like hearing our voice, hehe! =)

Daddy will miss you

Hello baby boy!

How are you in the womb? I hope it's warm and nice enough for you. The womb is your first new home for first ten months. We hope you like it.

Daddy is going to be away for a few weeks for a business trip soon. He feels sad and sorry for not able to greet you everyday as usual. But his love towards you will never be decreased or lessen. Mommy will bring you to see daddy maybe 2 weeks later. Mommy will bring you for an airplane ride 2 weeks later. Daddy will be overjoy to talk to you again when he sees you again! You gonna miss Daddy's voice and touch again!

Baby, oh our Lil' one! Daddy and mommy love you, always! Muak!


Monday, March 1, 2010

Half way -- my 5 months of pregnancy

I'm 5 months of pregnancy today! Yes, today!

We went for check up this morning. We are suppose to see our lil' one on 6th of March. Yet we made it one week earlier. King is going for a business trip by then but he doesn't wanna miss the chance to see our lil' one. And, he wanna go for the check up with me. He feels bad to leave me driving alone for check up. Isn't he a sweet guy? =)

Well, our lil' one was pretty cooperative. Dr. Yap told us everything about him and he is a healthy and good fetal (physical development and weight). We were happy! We had our first 3D ultrasound scanning today. This was our first time get to see up-closed picture of our lil' one. He seems to have bigger eyes and high cheek bone like me, high/big nose and small lips like King. Ah ha! Is it a good combination? We hope so and we'll find out few months later. I was advised to monitor my blood pressure twice a day, still. I wish not to have any health complication and I can go for natural birth on time. My lil' one, please help mommy a little bit and work things out together with mommy, alright? We will go through the pregnancy progress together with daddy's bom-bom support.

Dr said I'm able to travel oversea now with my good health condition. I am glad to hear that I'm able to tag along while King is having coming business trip. I wanna take more more more preggie pictures with my Man! I want! Hahaha.....

I'm half way in the whole pregnancy now. I'm glad that I've made it, so far. I told King to enjoy his life to the fullest now. 4 to 5 months later, I'll need his help the most, haha! =)