Thursday, October 28, 2010

Back to my blogging world

It has been a while not updating my blog again. Life with a little one really is something new to me, even though Declan is 4 months old baby now. Time pass by without my noticing; clock ticks without my noticing.

King and I can't stop a second not to look at little Declan at times. We are scared of losing track of his growing. Having a baby at home is just too wonderful to both of us. We, sometimes, hug each other while looking at our baby. Declan is the force that driving us together. He's such a cutie-pie that we can't disagree.

Blogging is one of my hobbies. It's a good way for me to review myself and my life. I'm just busy plus lazy a little bit to do it in a weekly basis. My bad. How can I being lazy after having little Declan? I should be a good role model to my son. Hmm.... Mama Eunice..... Hehe!

Alright, let's start blogging again! Yee-ha! =)

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