Thursday, February 25, 2010

Raimond Lap

I got to know Raimond Lap through my cousin, Chia Zhen. She introduced me Raimond Lap after knowing about my pregnancy. And, I'm blessed to have the CDs from her. Thanks a lot, Chia Zhen!

I started to in love with the musics that composed by Raimond Lap since first track. Surprisingly, King and I will not fall asleep after listening to his musics. Most of the prenatal or pregnancy musics are pretty classical and sleepy to both of us. We find that those classical musics are pretty boring. However, the harmonious melodies that composed by Raimond Lap ease our mind and emotion! And, my Lil' one moves a lot when I turn on the musics. The baby sound and laugh, plus the toy noise, mix into the musics make 3 of us calm and happy. All these are wonderful music on earth, I would say!

I don't mind to look for more series of the CDs, if it's for good or better. Why spend the money on something we dislike.

Thank you for your musics, Raimond Lap!
Thank you for the gifts, my dearly cousin!
Our lil' one loves it very much! =)

Kick and punch

I felt the very first kick in week 19! I felt it, haha!! That was one of the best thing ever happened to me in my life!

The gassy or bubble or butterfly feeling, some people said. Yet, it is the feeling of popcorn popping to me! I started to talk to my lil' one more often now. And, I introduce him mommy and daddy more. King felt his first kick yesterday, finally! He was like WOO! I'm sure we'll miss the kicking after this July.

The lil' one is very active around 9 in the morning and 8 in the evening. I started to capture his active schedule and get ready with the games, musics and reading for him. But of course, I won't forget about my own personal time and my sweet time with my family.

This is such a miracle to me and King. I'll cherish the next 5 months more and we love you, baby!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Me and my Man in 17 weeks

Me and my Man! The lil' young man is in my belly...... =)

XY Blueprint

2 月 7 號,老公陪我一起去做產檢。我們很想念我們的寶寶。所以,在去的前一晚,我們都和寶寶說了一些話。希望他可以讓我們看到健康的他/她,也想知道他/她的性別。

17 個禮拜了,我也進入了 second trimester 。Morning sickness 也逐漸的少和輕微了。而我也比較 energetic 。醫生見到我們,說今天可以看看寶寶的性別。我的心老是想知道寶寶的健康。我很興奮得跳上床。醫生照呀照,突然間,她說,“哎呀,呵呵!Mr. Lau!你要給我一個大紅包了!”。老公和我還沒反應過來,都以為醫生在說要過年的事。然後,醫生就指了一個地方給我們看,是 BOY !哇,我們真的很驚訝,哈哈哈!我們兩都對寶寶的“小雞雞”很好奇。老公一直問,那真的是他的 Lil' Penis 嗎,呵呵?醫生非常確定。因為我長得瘦,而且寶寶很合作,所以我們大家都看得非常清楚!小寶貝呀,你真的很聽爹地媽咪的話哦,真合作!希望你出來之後,也是那麼的合作,哈哈!後來,醫生恭喜我們得了一個 boy ,我們兩個很開心得看著 ultrasound 里的寶寶,從醫生房間哈哈大笑得走出來。而在等待的 10 多對準爹地媽咪看到我們很大聲的笑聲和笑臉,也看著我們傻笑。嘻嘻!

我在網上玩過幾個測試,都說我這胎是個女兒。所以,我們也以為是個女兒。然而,是男是女,我們都很高興!只要寶寶健康快樂,我們就很滿足了。我跟老公說,兒子以後可以和你一起去打网球游泳,幫你洗車,帶 Coby 去公園玩,還可以幫我換燈泡呢!老公一臉慈父的樣子也讓我很是興奮。老公還告訴我說,哇,那我以後還得帶兒子去上男廁也,媽咪在外頭等我們唷!哈哈哈!老公,你的 XY 軍隊很強哦!


Friday, February 5, 2010

Yen 媽

昨天我去探望 Yen 和 她的 new born baby。我和 Yen 不常見面,但是我們一見面就可以聊到東南西北,沒有句號的那種。而再加上 Yen 媽,我們三個女人的笑聲是可以勝過一間咖啡店。聊著聊著,Yen 媽也告訴了我們她的經歷和人生磨練。把一些工力傳授給我們。

“我活了幾十年,從來就不問別人,甚麼時候生孩子,甚麼時候生第二個第三個,更不問要不要博一個兒子(Yen 媽只有兩個漂亮女兒)。我真的很不明白,為甚麼那些八婆總是愛問別人這些問題。問了又怎樣?這些是人家的家事,而且是沒有辦法給你答案的,那問來做甚麼哩?人家要生多少個孩子是人家的事,生了你幫他們養嗎?那你問來做甚麼呢?一對 couple 可能他們要生,或在計畫當中,又或者他們真的是有身體問題。那麼你問了,只會讓他們難過和更擔心,甚至吵架。那又何必?你的關心根本就不會幫到他們,反而害到他們在家哭或吵架,更死!那你開心嗎?如果你是他們的好友,就更不要問這些問題。如果他們有疑問或有需要或好消息,他們肯定會告訴你的。我只有兩個女兒,以前我總是被問,要不要生一個兒子,做甚麼不生一個兒子。問這些問題的人是豬腦。為甚麼我說他們是豬腦呢?因為這些問題和答案,根本就不是我們所能控制的。如果我可以控制生男生女,我就是很厲害的外星人了,我有超能力了。生男生女,都一樣。最重要的是媽媽和寶寶健康平安,快快樂樂。當你把寶寶生出來的那一刻,你會先看寶寶的五觀和手腳長得是否健全,並不是先看是男或女寶寶。如果是個有缺陷男寶寶,你也不會安心和放心。我有兩個女兒是多幸福多好的事。我生病的時候,我難過的時候,我去 shopping的時候,我的女兒都會陪伴我。如果我有兒子,他就不會陪我了,他會花多些時間陪他的女朋友或老婆了。生男生女真的那麼重要嗎?生男孩有甚麼特別之處?難道我死的時候是站著死,不是躺著死的嗎?以前別人叫我博一個男孩,說我們沒有兒子,我老公聽了,回到家就給我臉色看。就是這些八婆害到我們吵架的。幫不上忙,還害了我們。有些人更好笑,她叫我去開別人的兒子 --開仔。我自己忙兩個女兒都忙不過來了,還去忙甚麼開仔。天啊!真的是豬腦!做人要看開一點,多少個孩子都不是最重要的,生男生女都不是最重要的。只要你們和你們的老公達到共識,開開心心就已經很足夠了。”

Yen 媽說了很多,偶爾也會很激動。那種令人悲憤的心情我的確是能夠了解的。

我把這段話和老公分享。我們都認為,幾千年的中華文化是很難一轉眼就可以改變它的。中國人的一些傳統觀念的確是已經過時了。而所謂的“關心”方法的確是有很多種。然而它的難處就是要如何去 filter 那些無聊問題和拿捏人與人之間的溝通技巧。所以,我也常常提醒自己,問自己多些問題,多學習,別把問題老是往別人身上推。


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Magician's show time

I had a good laugh yesterday because of my dearly husband.

After taking evening shower, I stepped out from the bathroom in a relaxing way. Out of the sudden, King showed me a magic in front of my eyes. "Let me be your magician!", he said. And then, he hold his iPod with his one hand. Showing me his iPod from left to right, from right to left. After that, he could hold his iPod by using his single thumb only. I was amazed and wow! And then, he raised his eye brows and gave me a funny look -- I'm the Magician, hehehe! I burst into laugh. At the end, I found out there was a sticker behind the iPod!!!! And, that was how his only thumb hold his iPod! Duh..... But, we had a good laugh and it made my evening!

Oh my dear hubby, you are a great magician in my heart! Thanks for the show! =)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The three languages you need to learn




1. 華語 Chinese/Mandarin

2. 英文 English
English is an International language, no doubt. People speak in English when they can't speak other native language in other countries. And so, learning good and proper English is an important task. When you are able to travel around the world, either during your business trip or own vacation, English will be the first priority language for you. If you want to learn other new languages, such as the third language that I'm going to mention in the following part, English can help you a lot. No matter where you go and where you are, you definitely need English!

3. 西班牙文 Spanish
Dear baby, you might be surprise by our suggestion -- learning Spanish! Why is it good to take up Spanish class? Spanish is a fun and easy-to-learn language. There are more than 20 countries are using Spanish as their national language. By speaking Spanish in these countries, you'll be able to achieve more things when you need to. After 15 to 20 years, there'll be more than 1/3 of Americans speak in Spanish. And, you'll be able to interact with Central and South Americans in the future. Treat it as a fun learning activity. And, we are sure you'll love this language.



Time wait for no man

The clocks tick non-stop. I just realized that how time pass by in a fast pace when I'm pregnant. I'm in month 4 now, wow! 5 more months, we'll be able to see our little bub in real! Can you believe it?!

Stepping into my second trimester, I feel a lot better and more energetic although I don't have much serious nausea. And now, I start to pick up the books on the tables and bookshelves again. Reading articles on the Internet is one of my daily things-to-do. I just can't stop reading.

I'm glad that King is willing to read the Chapter-to-the-Fathers. He started to understand how amazing a life is developed and shaped week by week, month by month. We build this family together with our love and patience. King is a good reader, either from book or my mind.

Time wait for no man. Tick tuck tick tuck tick tuck.....