Sunday, December 27, 2009


11 月 15 号,礼拜天的早晨,我测试了我的尿液,结果是 positive ! 嗯,我怀孕了! 呵呵! 月事遲了 5 天。

我跳上床,告诉老公,嘿,我怀孕了! 老公从昏睡中迷迷糊糊看了我一眼,什么嘛,一大早说你怀孕了 (老公是一个很难醒的人)。我再次向他公布,我怀孕了,你要当爸爸了,你的精虫进入了我的蛋了啦!!!!! 他眼睛一开,哈哈哈,真的吗? 我可愛的老公問了我幾次,home pregnancy test 準不準?!所以我說嘛,男人不能懷孕,就是不能了解,呵呵!

11 月16 号,是我们开始爱上对方的纪念日。我打了电话给一家 Gynecology Clinic,约定了礼拜六去做检查,要确定我是真的怀孕了,也要确定一切正常。我就一直看日历,看手表,看日期,等,等,等,等,看到礼拜六,好兴奋!

11 月21 号,礼拜六的早晨,我和老公醒得特早。不敢迟到地去见妇产科医生。等了一个小时 (周末的约定实在是太多了),我们进去见了我的妇产科医生 -- Dr Yap。她一见我的病例表 (我办年前在这家 Clinic 做过 papsmear),就问我说,有什么我可以帮你的? 我从包包里拿出我的 Home Pregnancy Tester, 她很开心地问我,有好消息吗? 我说,呵呵,需要麻烦你帮我确定一下咯。然后,她就叫我跳上床做 ultrasound scan。"有了,你们看这个黑点! 位置很漂亮! 形状很美! 没问题!" 医生很开心的告诉 我们说。老公当天病了,但他看 "小黑点" 的样子特别精神。医生吩咐了我们一些要注意的事情,然后手一伸 -- "恭喜你们!"!!!! 我吓了一跳,这医生真的是一个很开心的瓜,呵呵! 我更开心了! 而我當天是 week 4 day 5 。出了医生房门,我马上跟老公握手 -- 恭喜你了!,你要当爸爸了! 真谢谢你的精子呀,哈哈哈! 老公也傻傻的跟我握手傻笑说 -- 嘻嘻,恭喜恭喜 (他真的是病昏了头)!


11 月25 号,我通了个电话给我妈。
"怎么啦? 那里不舒服? 发烧还是咳嗽?"
"哦,医生说,我已经 5 个礼拜啦!"
无语 -- 应该是听不懂,脑筋还没转过来。
我妈很是意外,也很高兴,將會是第一次當外婆啦! 呵呵! 她说了一句话,很是另我感动: "得来不易的东西,一定要小心照顾哦! 要珍惜!"。

知道我怀孕的朋友都问我,我现在是不是活得像 Queen? 呵呵,我老公的英文明是 King,我很早就是 Queen 了,哈哈哈! 不过,老公也还不错。很怕我吃不够饱呢。但是,我害喜的问题是时好时坏。也只好多休息了。

Coby 呢,特乖呢! 它知道我怀孕了,所以对我特别斯文。它以前会转我的脚和我玩,会用头撞我的脚和我玩,现在不会了,斯文多了。而它也一直跟着我的身边。连上个厕所,洗个澡,它都在门口外耐心等待,然后跟我一起下楼。原来,狗狗是知道你怀孕的哟!

12 月 7 号,去见医生之前,我摸着我的肚子跟宝宝说,宝宝,今天医生要确定你的心跳,一定要让我们听到哦! 医生在做检验之前,问了我的心情如何。 我当时的心情特别紧张,不知道情况如何。然后,医生就叫我准备检验。她把声音开大大声,"bik bok bik bok bik bok",哇! 我们兴奋得不得了! 这是我们第一次听到宝宝的心跳声! 医生笑说,一切很正常! 老公很好奇得说了一声 -- 哎哟,好好听! 生命,真的很奥妙! 我又再次恭喜我老公,宝宝一切正常,太好了! 而我當天是 week 7 day 3,due date 是 7 月 20 日,應該會是個巨蟹座 Cancer 寶寶!Yay!

12 月 26 号,三個星期後的今天,我們又去見醫生。醫生幫我做了 ultrasound scanning,我們第一次看見了寶寶的形狀!而且,又聽見了寶寶的心跳聲!老公看見了寶寶的形狀,特別是寶寶的大頭,很是興奮,很是好奇!當然,開心的樣子是少不了的啦!醫生說一切正常,叫我們無須擔心。過兩個禮拜再去做產檢。下一次將會做一些寶寶腦部的測試,希望寶寶一切正常與健康。我確有點緊張,因為測試將會是要檢測 down syndrome symptoms 。雖然我不是高齡產婦,但不管怎樣,還是希望一切正常。我們要一個健康和快樂的寶寶!呵呵!這一次,醫生給了我們寶寶的照片!老公回到家迫不急待得開 CD 看照片,嘻嘻!看了又看,看了又看。以前看我們自己的照片,都沒有一直看哩,哈哈哈!當天的我是 week 10 day 5, 寶寶長度是 4 cm。


Tuesday, December 1, 2009


这三个月都是结婚的好时期。我身边也有不少对的 couples 成了 Husband-and-Wife。可喜可贺!

唯一让我有感而发的是,最近好像很流行新郎给新娘的 "爱情宣言" 或 "结婚和约",让我有话要说。一些新娘小姐总会要求老公做家务,要不就是不管什么情况,一定要把老婆放第一位,否则就是吵架不可以大大声,还要小小声的和对方说话,而且还要当家里的 Queen,还有很多条约。


---- 家务,如果你老公不帮你做,他就不爱你了吗?

---- 老婆的确是娶来疼的,但是如果事事都把老婆放在第一位,那也未免太霸道了吧? 那么家人呢?

---- 什么道理嘛? 吵架还要小小声? 虽然我不是一个很厉害吵架的人 (我每次很生气都是把气 cake 起来先,爆发威力却可不小!),也知道吵架语气不会低声下气,但是就连我自己生气的时候,说话那里有可能是小声的???? 那里有可能??? 莫明其妙嘛! 吵架不大声,那里是吵架? 最重要的是要讲道理嘛!

---- Be the Queen of the house ,我的天啊! 新娘小姐,你去排戏比较适合哩! .................. (无语)


当别人的老婆,当别人的媳妇,我们又能给对方什么呢? 先告诉对方,你能为他做些什么,给他些什么吧 ---- 新郎哥儿们,祝你们好运!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


久违了,好一段时间没 UPDATE 我的 BLOG 了。最近身体不怎么听话。累的时候我只好小睡一下 30 分钟。

最近 COBY 特别听话呢。它对我总是特别斯文,好乖!

老公在工作方面特忙。我除了听他苦诉工作上的问题,也想尽办法弄些好吃的东西让他品尝,满足他的肠胃,呵呵! 虽然我不是什么大厨,但弄些好吃的羊排我还行。

年尾的几个月,都是结婚的好日子。我和老公也参加了两对很要好的朋友的婚宴,扮美美去参加婚礼。我,是可以很美一下的。哈哈哈 -- 自恋!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A husband and wife team.

We had a very good start in November. =)

King attend his first drum lesson with my companion; I attend my first violin lesson with King's companion. It might sound funny a bit like a kid goes to school on the first day with parent's companion, hahaha! Yet, we did enjoy each other's companion during our first 30 minutes of instrument lesson. We were curious with the drum and violin instruments at first. And, we were very happy and blessed to have two kind and nice drum/violin teachers.

King is very happy and excited that his drum teacher will teach him his favorite band and songs when King is ready. I see the other side of King as well when he plays drum. Haha!

I'm very excited but also nervous about my violin lesson as it's not as easy as I thought. Yet it's something new and fun to me.

We are glad that the headmaster of the music school is a kind and friendly mid-40 woman. Hopefully, we'll be able to perform in public one day with our joy and fun, we were told by our teachers and the headmaster. We will not go for any exam but we definitely will have fun on it down the road.

The husband and wife team, that's me and King! Hahaha!!! :D

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


这阵子,我一直觉得不安。不安在 Internet 上面能 post 多少事情。而在 Internet 的世界里,到底有多少人,有何人在 monitor 你的生活,甚至是在 study 你的思考。想起来,真的是有点恐怖!

我开始在 Facebook 里把我很多照片给删除了;我开始不在 Facebook 和 blog 写太多我的思考了;我开始考虑到我和家人的安全和隐私权;我开始了很多其他的思考。我是不是想太多了呀?

什么是隐私权? 这真的是要看自己能够保护自己多少了。Privacy... Yes...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We are enrolled!

I've enrolled my violin lesson, ah ha! :D
King has enrolled his drum lesson! Rock school, here King comes! :D

Last Saturday, King and I were talking about what lessons we want to go for in our life. With no kids commitment yet, we decided to pursue what we are going to do right away. Hence, we drove to a music school nearby our house right after our breakie last Saturday. And here we go, we've enrolled ourselves to the music school! Hooray!

King choose a rocky instrument -- Drum! Ah ha! I can't wait to see my King to play drum with his head scarf, hehehe! I choose Violin from the list. We are going to have fun, I'm sure. No exam, no concert performance, no stress. Just to have FUN out of it! :D

Oh, my... We are so excited about our new lessons coming up! Can't wait to meet our new teachers. =)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The grass is always greener on the other side

There's a say saying that, "The grass is always greener on the other side". I agree with my two hands and two legs.

We all tend to look at the good side of the other party and what they are having. But we never thought of what they are lacking of. Hence, we are so unsatisfied with our current life and start complaining. I envy you, you envy me. And this chain goes on and on. Nobody is satisfied with our own current life.

What I can say is, "I do not have many things; yet I have many things, at the same time". =)

Thursday, October 8, 2009




第一天,老師叫他們做五分鐘的自我介紹,他原以為很容易想不到不到兩分鐘就把學經歷、名片上的頭銜,連家庭成員都講完了,剩下三分鐘無話可講。老師厲聲問他,「你人生的經歷難道連五分鐘都填不滿?」他悚然而驚,對呀! !活了快五十個年頭,怎麼連五分鐘都填不滿?但是卻真的想不起自己做了什麼值得拿出來講的大事。他生活的重心一直是工作,但是這些人都是同一公司的高階主管,做的工作跟他都很相似,有什麼好講?除了工作,其他乏善可陳。所以他跟老師告饒說「真的沒有了」。


老師叫他想他兒子從一出生,一路成長到現在的影像。他記得兒子剛出生時的樣子、剛入學一年級的樣子,但是很快就變成高中生的樣子了,中間的十年他怎麼也想不起來,好像一晃就過了。 最 後老師說,「你難道願意死後墓碑上除了年月日什麼都沒有留下?」他再度震驚,因為他已經明瞭他人生是白走的了。


人生的意義在心靈的富足,心靈的富足在對別人的關懷、照顧與奉獻,他在這方面太貧乏了,連自己的家人都沒有照顧好,遑論對? 懋、對他人。




~~ Source from a friend on Facebook.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I miss you all!

I miss all my friends in the States so so much! Yes, I miss you all very much! =)

I miss the golden time we've spent together.
I miss you whoever has been so supportive to me even though we don't see each other very often, maybe once a year or two.
I miss your smile and the laughter we used to have.
I miss you whoever can read my mind without a word from me.
I miss the jokes we used to have and how we teased each other.
I miss the way we posed for a picture.
I miss the car we used to carpool.
I miss the Summer trips we had.
I miss....
I miss everything of you all.

I don't like the friends here in Asia, although there are a few exceptions.
I don't like the people who are realistic and materialistic here.
I don't like the people who hurts people's feeling for the sake of being a winner here.
I don't, I really don't like them with many reasons.

Thank you for giving me a wonderful memory during my Golden time in the States! Take good care, my dear friends in the States! =)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My dearest dog, the Labby Coby!

I just can't stop loving my Coby, the Labrador! =)

I used to be afraid of dogs when I was little and young. King is the one who changed my mind to loving dogs. During the days and years in the States, King introduced me dogs and how dogs treat their owners and repay their owners in life time. We fall in love with Golden Retriever because of their friendly faces and playful characteristics.

Ever since moving into our new home in Kuala Lumpur, we never thought of having a dog. But Coby came into our life in the right timing. I still remember how cute and lovely Coby was when he was just born. The little seven Labrador puppies were crawling and sleeping next to their mother JJ. King decided to bring Coby back home as my home companion after seeing my love fallen into this little buddy. And, ever since, our life is enlighten by this little puppy everyday and night.

Coby is one year and 9 months old now. How we wish he will not grow up and old fast.

When I wake up in the morning nowadays, Coby wait for me happily by biting his toy(s) at his sleeping area. I put on my sport shoes, Coby bites his red leash, we will go to the park happily together. After our morning walk in the park and Coby has done with his "business", we'll come back home and I'll get ready for Coby's breakfast -- milk and doggy biscuits. After pleasing this little fellow in the morning, I'll bring Coby to our bedroom and greet King! What a happy family scene I can say!

King is busy and stress with work all the time. However, he'll not miss his personal time with Coby every evening in the park. Having a personal touch and conversation with Coby is our daily activity. Surprisingly, Coby is our superstar in the neighborhood. Many kiddies love to play with Coby by throw-and-fetch trick. And, we slowly introduce the kids how nice a dog can be, if you love the dog. A few kiddies will come at my house gate and call Coby, just for the sake of seeing Coby for a second. It's so touching to see a scene like that between kids and Coby.

Coby, you are a wonderful doggy, especially in our heart. When daddy and mommy are upset, you will always be there with us and cheer us up by giving your cute look. You always forgive us when you were scolded by us. We've a place for you in our heart and it'll be forever.

We have friends and families in our life; yet, Coby has merely both of us in his world. Coby, we love you, we really love you! You are an amazing dog! =)

Flightless Bird, American Mouth ~~ Iron Wine

I bump into this beautiful song through Ashley's blog 2 days ago. And I can't stop playing this song!

This song was played in the movie of Twilight. I'm not a fan of Twilight but this beautiful song gives me a sense of peace. Check out the links on youtube:

The original song:

The piano piece:

The third quarter of the year


那天我才问老公,这一次的金融风暴,我们学到了什么? 虽然我们不是什么大投资家,但是总会从中学习到什么吧?!

再过三个月半,我们家的 Coby 就两岁了。我还真的有点舍不得它长大得那么快呢!

搬进我们的新屋子也超过一年半载了。很高兴得我们把屋子布置得还蛮不错的,哈哈! 最重要的是还是我们能快快乐乐得住在一起啦!

而接下来的 last quarter of the year ,希望我们能继续努力,而在明年的 budget 2010 实现我们的小小愿望!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Life is full of bonus!

What's the definition of Friendship? 我这两天一直在想一个很好的答案给自己。朋友,到底定义又是在那里?

当然,我不是一个很好的故事人,更别是在我的世界里说一堆有的没的的 complaint 。然而,我想在我的世界里抒发自己的不解和疑惑。


朋友对我好,我由衷感激。每个人对待朋友的方式都是不同的。我用方式 A 对待你好,我不渴求你用方式 A 回馈我,我那敢要求啊?! 我尊重任何的方式 A 到 Z,甚至是默默无闻的方式。我也无所谓。Life is full of bonus. =)

受伤一下也好啦。人生反正就是这个样子。当你过得快乐得要死的时候,突然间就会有一个天使出现在你身边,提醒你一下,让你痛一下。Life is full of bonus. =)

一位朋友曾经告诉过我一句话: 如果你没有要求太多的话,而你没有 expect 到的都是 bonus。我包着这个心态去处理与面对任何事情 -- Life is full of BONUS!!! 就这样,我的人生都是惊喜与快乐! =)

谢谢那些猪朋狗友给我带来的"有眼泪的欢笑" -- Laugh with tears! 谢谢那些对我没甚特别要求的朋友们 -- 你们的无所谓让我知道,我不是自己一个人在这里讲我的真理,呵呵! 谢谢老公当我一辈子的知心好友 -- 不管是看我的死人臭脸骂人,还是搞笑的一面,呵呵! 也要谢谢一直陪伴我的另一个知心朋友 -- Coby,我的爱狗! 不管我多生气骂你的时候,你到最后还是头低低得来疼我 kiss 我,呵呵! 至于那些把我打下地狱的朋友 -- 谢谢你早点让我知道,什么才叫做真正的朋友,而我会更加珍惜他们。=)

Life is full of Bonus! =)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy 09.09.09!

It's a good day today with a good combination -- 09.09.09! And it means a lot to me and King! We registered on 9th of September four years ago and we've became husband-and-wife for four years! Oh wow! I've never thought of being a married woman for that long, haha! And, I'm happy that I've became Mr. Lau all the while that made King's life better, I suppose. Hehe!

Thinking past, we dated in year-end 1999. After 6 years of dating, King proposed to me in June, 2005; we registered in September; we got married in Jan, 2006; we went for honeymoon in May. Wow, we've made it so far!

I'm not fancy with all kinda anniversary with first kiss date or first dance date or first hug date or what-so-ever. But 09.09 means a lot to both of us. We chose to be husband-and-wife officially on 9th of September because it means "Everlasting" in Mandarin. And, we really mean it and we know that we are going through all the obstacles together until we can see our white hair one day.

Thank you, my love, whom have given me the chance to share your happiness and sadness along the years. And I hope that I've been a wonderful wife to you, hehe! Cheers, King!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


昨天和老友 Yen 吃饭叙旧。彼此互相 update 最近过得如何。而 Yen 怀孕了,我们的话题当然是离不开孩子啦。

聊着聊着,Yen 的话让我有很深的感触。而自己一向来也是有这么一个观念,孩子的多寡不是最重要的,我们注重的是 quality, 不是quantity。孩子长大了也会有自己的一片天。而最重要的也是,我们的身体一定要保持健康,身心愉快,财务独立。好让孩子(们)能够放心得打拼他(们)自己的天地。而在年老的岁月里,能够和我们相依陪伴的就是我们的老伴了。因此,拥有相爱的老伴儿是很重要的,因为孩子(们)不是我们最终的依靠。

晚上,我跟 King 在车子里分享了我和 Yen 的话题和想法。我也趁机告诉他说,健康是对自己和爱人所负的责任。有了健康,爱和财富就会跟随着我们,一直到老。我们不知道我们能相依到什么时候,得看我们的缘分了。好好珍惜吧!

The Up

Yes, the Disney cartoon movie -- Up!

King and I caught this movie last week. Bee Ai gave it a thumbs up and we gave it a try. As a cartoon lover, I won't miss it for sure.

King had a teary eyes when the old wife left the old husband after suffering from illness. The 78 years old man continue pursuing the dream of theirs . It really is a good storyline by telling all the audiences that we shall continue make our dreams come true even though it is for someone you love.

Wish our dream comes true, King! =)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Coby's family gathering

Picture: Wee Wee (Coby's aunty, a Golden Retriever), Bruno (Coby's eldest brother), Coby, JJ (Coby's mother, the one was walking behind the canines).

When we were in Manila, Philippines, Coby had some good time with his dog family. I simply love this picture very much because of their curiousity in this picture. Dogs are best friends of human. Coby is part of our family. =)

My time with Coby

The weather is surprisingly good lately. It was sunny with clear sky and cotton cloud during the day time. And it was breezy during the evening time and we got some rain drops or downpour at night which was good for sleeping, hehe!

I enjoyed the raining view last night with Coby. Coby was sitting next to me and both of us enjoyed the breeze together. It was OUR time. =)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


照片图解: 这 ice cream 很好吃,你要来 try 一点吗?


"我先走吧,让你活长命一点。" 老公说。
"吓? 我不要! 你先走,那我一个人活着干嘛?" 我有点不爽得说。
"那你要怎样?" 老公拿我没办法。
"我不可以 leave without you, 但是你可以 leave without me。因为你比我坚强。" 我继续我的理论。
"什么啦? 我也是不可以哩。降我们做么办好? 唉。。。" 老公为了我的问题和答案而有点懊恼。
"还是一起死比较好。哈哈! 不用吵,也不用争咯。" 我讲到好像自己可以选择自己的死期似的。

我相信有很多 couple 都曾讨论过这个话题。听起来有点无聊,有点肉麻,有点笨。然而,当你爱一个人的时候,你就是会想一些无聊的问题。最重要的是,如何在这些无聊问题当中紧握对方的手,一起好好走下去。

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thank you, darling!

Thank you, darling!
Thank you for showing me the world while you were on business trips!
Thank you for sharing your pace with me step by step!
Thank you for telling me I'm not alone while you were busy!
Thank you for coming back home after your busy trips!
Thank you, darling, thank you for everything! =)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mind Your Own Business!

这里是我的 blog,这里是我的世界,所以我有权力要说什么就说什么,hooray!

"你怎么还没 baby 啊,你不喜欢小孩吗?"
"你和你老公 try 多久了,有没有去看医生? 去看一下比较好,你们俩年纪都不小了。有病的话,可以早点医,别浪费你们的时间。"
"哇,你不用做工,好羡慕你呢! 你老公一定是赚很多钱,哈哈! 你老公是做那一行的?"
"你住 landed property 还是 condo? 住在那里 (那一区)?"

你们这些人到底"你"够了没有啊? 很多问题问吼? 你们到底是真正的关心我,还是在调查我的背景啊? 是不是很想知道我老公赚多少钱,我可以待在家里悠闲过日子呢? 是真的羡慕我可以去旅行,自由自在吗? 我闻到一股醋味哩!

是的,我们真的很有钱,we are fucking rich! 我只能说"同人不同命"咯。不是每个人都能有这种好命的咯。不好意思啦。哈哈哈!!!!!! (讲这整句话实在是爽到。。。!!!!)


"我就没你那么好命咯! 我老公 blar blar blar...."
~~~~ 那你就别理别人的事情那么多,多想想如何增进你们的感情吧!

"你们勤劳一点嘛! 等你有小孩了,那我们又可以多一个话题聊!"
~~~~ 谁要跟你聊那么多啊? 你自己好像都顾不好哩。

~~~~ 那你还有时间理会我的私事? 自己的事情都忙不完了,还鸡婆?!

"我的 maid 给我很多问题,烦死了! 你就好咯,没有 maid 的烦恼!"
~~~~ 你家里的 maid 给你的问题是你自己找的,谁叫你请 maid?

其实,我根本就不需要告诉你们我到底在家做些什么,忙些什么。因为你们连最基本的道理都不了解,什么是尊重别人,什么是礼貌,什么是知足,什么是感恩。可怜的一群女人! 幸好我是个快乐有钱人太太! 呵呵呵!

Monday, August 3, 2009

The good part of the marriage!

King was not feeling well since last week. And I got the virus from him later on.

"How are you feeling, Eunice?" Kuljit, my neighbor, asked.
"Arrgghh.... Struggling...." I said, King was by my side.
"You see, that's the good part of the marriage!" Kuljit said and raised his eyebrow.
"Huh? Virus doesn't work with marriage!" I didn't get it and said.
"Marriage shares everything, including virus!" Kuljit explained it louder.

We all burst into laugh and no one disagreed. Hahaha...!!! Yeah, I don't mind sharing the virus with you, honey. As long as you recover in a faster pace. I'll take good care of myself and I hope you do the same. =)

Get well soon, Mr. and Mrs. Lau!

Budgeting Rule -- 50, 30, 20

King and I always come up with this topic -- where did our money go to? Where's our budget? Yes, we always keep reminding each other about budgeting and watch our spending. Thanks to Rose for an online article sharing last week. And I would like to share some tips with my friends here.

There's no one-size-fits-all solution because everyone's circustances vary widely. However, the 50-30-20 Rule is a basic budgeting that we can apply on every single household. And I find that it's interesting and pretty good. It makes sense and I got to know that what current life style I'm falling into with my budget.

50% ~~
These 50% amount of your after-tax wages will go to our must-have fixed spending. For example, housing loan, car loan, utilities, phone bill, food, insurance, childcare, etc. These 50% is a must-have spending without compromising.

30% ~~
The 30% is calculated as a flexible figure. Clothes, vacation, extra features on phone bill (call waiting, etc), dining-out, Internet access, TV cable, etc. All these are extra services and features if you do not really need it. Hence, 30% is the margin within the monthly spending.

20% ~~
Saving will go into this 20% gap. Whichever type of saving counts. For example, cash saving, retirement fund, emergency fund, etc. When we can retired without worry and how much we can survived without a job out of the sudden, it depends on this accumulated 20% amount. So, this 20% plays an important role among the 100%.

Again, thanks to the article from MSN Money website. I truly think this is one of the best budgeting ideas that I've ever read, so far. I looked into my monthly bill and loan settlement after reading. I'm happy that my financial circumstance fits into this 50-30-20 Rule. It's time for us to move on again.

Happy budgeting!

Sunday, August 2, 2009



"现在的父母亲不容易当啊! 什么东西都贵的要死! 不努力赚多一点钱,生活那里负担得了? 所以,我没时间陪孩子啦! 都是送他们去补习班啦,学这个学那个啦。免得他们在家闷得发慌,也不会捣蛋!"

现在的父母亲,是不是都是用金钱去买时间陪孩子做习呢? 到底和孩子们在一起的时间值多少钱呢?

一天只有 24 个小时。如果父母亲都很努力上班加班,一天只能见孩子们的时间只有4 个小时 (父母亲上班也好,孩子们去上课与课外活动也好),然后孩子们就去睡觉了。那么,260 天 (5 天制上班) 乘上4 个小时,就是 920 个小时,也就等于 31 天。52 个星期有 104 天是周末。再加上公司给的 10 天有薪假期,10 天病假,总共是 155 天,也就等于 5 个月。一年能跟孩子们相处的时间就只有仅仅的 5 个月。是多是少,见人见智。

孩子们到了 18 岁都出城或出国深造。那到底能和孩子们一起相处的时间有多少呢? 大家自己算吧!



~~ 到底,现在的孩子们要的是什么?

"哎呀,现在的孩子可就幸福啦! 可以学以前我们没有机会学的钢琴啦,小提琴啦,画画啦,空手道啦,中国武术啦,电脑啦,心算啦,芭蕾舞啦,游泳啦,足球啦,网球啦,什么都有! 多幸福啊!" 很多妈妈都是这么想的。

"现在的孩子的学习能力可强咯! 什么样的补习都有! 以后我的孩子肯定能出人头地!" 很多爸爸也有这么样的想法。

~~ 到底,孩子们想要的是什么?

"我觉得很好呀! 我以前就是没机会学这些东西,我现在就努力赚钱让孩子们去学这么多东西啊!"

~~ 那,孩子们到底想要的是什么呢?

"哎哟,如果我不让孩子学,他们又怎么会跟得上学校和社会的脚步呢? 我不想让孩子们长大了,然后怪罪我呢!"

~~ 那,你到底有没有问过孩子们,他们到底要的是什么?

"我的孩子可厉害咯! 数学科学英文样样拿 A+ ! 我家有客人来做客时,他们都称赞我的孩子会弹钢琴啦,拉小提琴啦,懂什么是电脑,在电脑里那里找照片给你看啦,还会踢足球呢!"

~~ 孩子们呀,你们到底知不知道,自己要的是什么呀?

"哎呀,你还没当妈妈,你不了解当父母亲的苦衷的啦! 等你有一天拥有了自己的孩子,你还不是跟我们一样!?!"

~~ 孩子,你到底在想些什么?

孩子们,真的是那么爱去上补习班吗? 课外活动,到底有没有包括人生观呢? 老师们,真的那么了解孩子所需要的吗?

~~ 现代的爸爸妈妈,你们到底要的是什么?


Friday, July 31, 2009

I fall in love with you....

You appeared out of the sudden.
You passed by me.
I notice you.
"Look at her!" I told King.
"Wow! She looks stunning!" King replied.
I want you, so badly!
Audi Q7, you are such a catchy bitch!

2016 年之约

"要怎么庆祝我们的结婚10周年纪念呢?" 我问老公。
"哦。。。" 老公死命想。
"嗯。。。" 我继续出我的搜主意。
"要怎样庆祝哩?" 老公还是想不到。
"不如。。。我们去我们 honeymoon 的地方重游,如何?" 我跟老公眨了眨眼。
"啊,这主意不错! 好的耶! " 老公开心的说。
"好,就这样说定了! 要好好庆祝一下我们的 10 年呢!" 我兴奋的说。

2016 年之约,我们的约会。

Mumbai India


我一向来就不怎么喜欢印度人,而且我蛮会取笑印度人的 (我承认我是很不乖啦)。老公就比较善解人意,他以前有一班蛮要好的印度同事,还曾和他们一起打地铺过 (要命啊!)。所以,老公对印度人的 culture 都比我了解很多倍。但是,他还是会取笑他的印度朋友,甚至他的印度音英文是很厉害的,呵呵!

几个月前我跟老公说过,如果他有去印度公干的话,我打算 tag along 去看看。很多人都说印度很脏啦,很旧啦,很老牙啦,很"够力"啦,会拉肚子啦,什么样的贬义词都有。不过,我还是很想去印度一趟。

而这一次我真的去了,回来的心情也特别不同,就是和以往的旅行很不一样。孟买之旅,让我们认知了许多事情,原来,我们真的是很幸福的一群! 我也终于了解到,为什么印度人就是特爱穿拖鞋,为什么他们去了美国,不管怎样就是要移民到美国去。终于,我都了解了许多。印度,一个很有趣的国家。

我把所有的照片都放在 Facebook,反应热烈。大家都很期待 slum 的照片。而我的心情其实是低落的。老公告诉我说,如果去一趟非洲,那我一定泪流满面。呵呵! 所以,印度人还不是最穷最脏的。但我想,我的孟买之旅的确让我感触良深。一句话,"If it hasn't been seen, it doesn't mean it isn't there."。


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cheers to our good neighbors whom have became our good friends!

We had another gathering, again! Yes, again! Hahaha!

Well, three families of us had a wonderful Indian cuisine at Kuljit family's house last weekend. Surprisingly, we had four bottles of red wine! Oh my God!!!!

"Cheers to our friendship and good neighbors!" Kuljit gave the toast.
"And, kena 4D!" I added in and everybody laughed.

It's really a blessing to have such wonderful and cheerful neighbors staying around in our neighborhood. Kuljit and David's families are well-to-do, yet they are humble and low profile. Foremost, they have the same thinking with me and King -- good neighbor is far more important than your relatives when you need help; good neighbors can become good friends!

Something sweet among all of us is, our children are going to grow together with sweet memories. We don't need a rich neighbor but a caring neighbor, we all agree with that.

Cheers to Kuljit and David's familes! =) We are looking forward to our next gathering and outing again!

Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire has been lying on our DVD rack for long. King and I decided to give it a try right before our Mumbai trip. Sit back, and relax....

It is a great movie, indeed! With full of variety emotion, we value ourselves and our life more. We talked about the slum and we even google the truth related to slum. Out of the sudden, CRY -- Care and Relief for the Young -- pop up in King's mind. All his memory with his Indian ex-colleagues back in San Jose are slowly coming back piece by piece. He said that there was one of his Indian ex-colleagues who was actively involved into CRY because of the hunger and homeless in the slum.

We are planning to visit Dhavari Slum in Mumbai this time, if time and weather allow. I don't know how am I going to reactive when I see the slum in real. For sure, the feeling is gonna be mixed and depressed.

Life is good. But it's not to some people. I hope all of us can contribute, a little part at least, whatever we can do the best to this world. Just like what MJ had done in his life to the African children.

We are the world -- dedicate to MJ, and the children in third world countries.

Mumbai, here I come!

I've never thought of going to India in my life before. But I guess I should changed my mind and give it a try this time. Why not? Well, I'm flying off to Mumbai today and I guess it'll be an adventurous journey to me!

I've packed up with mineral water and medicines in my luggage. No kidding! Hopefully, we will be back in one piece!

India, here I come!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Who are the two persons you like to meet the most in your life?

It is a beautiful afternoon. We had lunch with Sui Chin in Bangsar today. And, we had a good chat while enjoying our banana leaf meal.

"Who are the two persons you like to meet the most in your life?" Sui Chin asked.
"Hmm.... That's a good question..." I said and gave it a thought while munching.
"Umm... I haven't have this thought ever in my life. This is a good one!" King said.
"I think this is a must-think question in our life. It'll be listed down in my to-do-list in my life." I continue.
"David and I would like to meet Lee K.Y. in our life if it's possible!!" Sui Chin told us excitedly.
Then, we continued the conversation with who and why.

Well, I would say, Barrack Obama deserves a place in my list. He is one of the history makers and I admire his courage. No try, no gain. His example told us the result and how he made the history changes! I won't say he's the best man in the world but he is that good, no doubt!

So, who's the other person that deserves my respect in my life? Three of us talked about Melinda Gates. She'll be sitting in my list for sure. She deserves the respectation from all of the world based on her contributions to the well-fare and medical research. It's good to be rich and damn wealthy. But it's even better to contribute something to the world if you have such wealth and power!

What's yours? Who do you want to meet in your life? Think and list two names. =)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Safe and sound

It has been a while for not updating my blog due to our car accident happened just recently. Thank godness we were safe and sound. And, thanks for hubby to settle all the problems caused by the accident with me the whole week! We are very blessed that the people who hit our car is willing to take the responsibility and all the cost of damage. I guess we are going to have a small celebration with Coby after our car is done with repairing few weeks later. There's nothing more important than having a life back to normal. Hang in there, people!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Kids' right

I'm blessed that I'm surrounded by many mothers who share their methods of raising their kids. Of course, I got a lot of tips from them as well by how they educate their kids which we never had during our childhood.

Children are very competitive nowadays. They are living in a competitive environment with peer pressure. Piano class, drawing class, ballet, violin class, Mandarin class, KUMON, whatever you name it. I can't breath when I jot all these down.

I asked King that what's the purpose to have kids nowadays?! And guess what, I LOVE King's answer!! So, our final answer is, we'll tell our future kid(s) to hire the top three students in the class and work for him/her! Hahaha...!!! Good idea! Being a boss of a self-own company, hire the top three students and run the company for you, and you enjoy the fruitful profit, hehehe...

Anyway, kids need their own right and kids have their own right! We must respect our kids and their childhood. =)

Monday, June 15, 2009

A fun gathering

David & Swee Chin hosted a small bbq session for us last weekend. The triplets family, Kurjit & Kirin, were at the small party as well. We all chatted about our life in the past and present. We even joked around with nonsence that the whole house was full of joy and laughters. I suddenly miss my life in the States again....

What was my life back in the States like? Hmm... Full of outdoor activities, full of dirty jokes and big smiles, bunch of good friends, and foremost was full of DREAMS!

It depends on us how we fill our life with, I think. When we start meeting nice people surrounding us, we should start cherish the moments as much as we can. That was a fun party! Life is like a party! What's your toast for your life? =)

A gift from the King

King was away for a week business trip. Thank godness I didn't tag along as his daily schedule was fully packed with meeting and training. So I was home alone with my Labbie the whole week.

Surprisingly, King bought me a gift when he reached home! It is a PERFUME!!! Well well well, he usually will buy me some snacks or any other stuff from his business trips. But this is the first time that he bought me perfume, hehehe! So, I was overwhelmed!

Thank you, darling! I love the gift you bought me and you are so thoughtful! I love you!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


一天,认识了一对 couple。

"哦,那要加油哦! 要为我们华人争光哦!"
"那当然,哈哈! 我们是好的基因哩! 不能浪费!"


当初我是真的有所顾虑,而老公一直安慰我说,别担心,我们一定会有我们的小孩的,而且是很可爱的! 现在,我反而会觉得,其实,年龄不是最重要的关键。而我们能教导我们的小孩些什么,才是精髓的! 经历了很多不同的事情,看过了不同的世界,我想我们能带给我们的小孩更多成熟的教育。我希望我们的小孩是个 tough survivor ! 不管遇到任何事情,都会利用 EQ 去处理事情。拥有了 EQ 和 IQ,在社会才能立足和活得快乐! 拥有 IQ 但缺乏 EQ,活着也不会得到永久的快乐。

I believe baby is Angel from Heaven. Angel will come to my world when my timing is right! =)


昨晚我过了一个快乐的晚上。哲虹和 Justin 终于来到了我们家,和 Coby 也打成一片。看着这对快乐的新人,我感受到了他们新婚的幸福。

以前很多人都会说,婚姻是爱情的坟墓。我一直都不是很赞同,因为我不喜欢这坟墓这么悲惨这个词汇。婚姻,它是代表着包容所在! 而包容,是伟大的,是值得赞美的! 坟墓,太灰暗了!

我最近在看 "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"。虽然这本书已经在市场有十年之久了,但我想现在应该是我最好的 timing 来看这本书。我相信任何事情的发生,都是跟 timing 有很大的关系。

要经营一段婚姻,真的很不容易。谢谢哲虹和 Justin 这几天带给我的快乐和笑容! 现实的生活在很多的外在因素催化之下,都会变得很不可思议。祝福你们两个!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Happy 0606 Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Darling! Number 6 is your lucky number, 6th of June! But sorry you can't have 6 wives, ok, hahaha!!!! :D

"You bring the best out of me!"

King and I talked a lot. He said I inspired him sometimes. Wow... That's a good one, haha! I could come out with a lot of funny questions. For example, how did loanshark come up with such a big amount of money before loaning their "customers"? I hope I did not inspire him to be a shark loan, though, hahahaha.....

I do hope I did inspire King to work hard for our future, which he actually did. I hope I could bring the best out of you, Darling! =)

Husband-and-wife team

King and I thought about taking up some courses lately, especially music classes. Well, we used to play piano during our childhood. So it might not be too hard for us to take up some new instruments if we want to. That's what we think.

"Hmm... Maybe I should learn drumming!" King raised his eye brows and told me.
"Oh why not? I think you got the rythm right most of the time!" I sounded excited.
"Or.... Saxophone..? You play piano, I play saxophone! We can team up and play jazz right!" King continued with exciting tone.
"Haha... Then we need one more person to play Bass to make our team more fascinating!" I laughed.

Well, we haven't decide which instrument we will go for. It's just a thought. But I guess we'll go for it one day soon! Yay!

The Climb by Miley Cyrus

I, recently, am preparing a business proposal. I told King about my idea and my research. I even told him what our future will be if I keep trying and keep trying. Out of my surprise, King told me that, "Coby and Daddy will support Mommy, alright?!". That was the most touching part. =*) Of course, I hold my happy tear.

Thank you, my Love! =)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I will and I do!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wealth Management Tactics

I found this Wealth Management Tactics from the Internet last week. It may seems unclear to everyone but you may download it with clear graphic.

How to pursue Wealth by having all these? The graph interprete all the things behind getting rich.

The strategies to attract Wealth into our life.

All the no-no to get rid of if we wanna get financial freedom.

Peaks & Valleys

I read a book lately. It talks about Peaks vs Valleys and how we manage our peaks and valleys in our lifetime. I thought of my ways thoroughly.

Peaks and valleys do exist in our life. Whenever a peak comes, a valley is waiting for us; and, whenever a valley comes, a new peak is waiting for us. But how we manage to stay longer in a peak and shorter in a valley? I would say it's based on our EQ. Our EQ will bring us to a better or worse direction. 

We can't avoid having a valley in our life. Because life is full of up (the peak) and down (the valley). A plateau has no excitement and sadness. Without having excitement and sadness, our life is meaningless. Without having a sense of happiness and sadness, what does life mean for, then? Think of it, what does our heartbeat graphic look like? There must be in a form of up and down and up and down continuously. Life will be dead if it is seem to be a straight line without up and down.

It's totally a different view from a valley compare with from a peak. I remember that I took a helicopter tour with my mom when we paid Grand Canyon a visit 2 years ago. I feel thankful to my mom because her insistence of taking the heli. And so, I got the chance to see the stunning view from a valley looking up to the breath-taking Grand Canyon! It's absolutely amazing with a dropping-jaw feeling! It gave me a sense of two thoughts from two different views when it comes to a certain level. And, I believe we must pursue our own happiness no matter we are in the Peak or the Valley. I must enjoy my moments whenever I'm in a peak or a valley. Cheers!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

沟通 + 尊重 = 婚姻

今早,我和老公还在赖床的时候,我告诉了老公,"老公,我很珍惜你,因为你让我觉得我很幸福。"  老公当然是莫名其妙地看着我,发生了什么事,一大早就跟我说这种话的样子。



我很感谢我遇过的男人都是好的男人。前度男友真的是好得不得了;另一位被我狠心的一再拒绝很多次的男人也是少有的好男人。而每一晚睡在我身边的这个男人更是让我赞不绝口的好好男人! 我一直都相信,很多在待人处事方面,我自己都必须先踏出第一步,去做我应该做的本分。

希望我身边所爱所珍惜的好朋友们能够得到幸福美满的人生。我很怀念你们开心大笑的样子哦! 加油!

Friday, May 29, 2009


没有完美的男人,只有最适合你的男人。我和老公分享了这句话,他当然是赞同不过啦,呵呵! 我自己不是个完美的女人,我何德何能地要求一个完美的男人啊。


昨天我和老公到 Kinokuniya 逛了两个小时。我们有事没事都会到书局报到。享受被书本包围的感觉,和那都是书本视觉的感受,真是一大享受。

我们最近改了一个坏习惯。晚上的我们再也不开着电视了。而手里拿的都是书本,耳边听着的都是 BOSE 里传出来的好听歌曲。老公很久以前就告诉过我,晚上时间看电视是浪费生命,而他一直都鼓励我把宝贵时间用来看书。现在的我,也已经有这个习惯,到那里,包包里都会带着一本书。



Wednesday, May 27, 2009


昨天去了 Kelly 的家做脚底按摩。听她说,这个脚底按摩师傅很有经念。所以我就去试一试啦! 被折腾了一个小时之后,我真是惨不忍睹! 我叫天叫地都不应。师傅边按摩边跟我讲解了我身体那里弱啦,要照顾啦,要注意啦,什么什么的。我手心脚心都冒冷汗,惨了,我的身体真的那么糟糕吗?

回到家,先到公园和老公和 Coby 会合。老公见我一副惨不忍睹的样子就说,你的脚底按摩到怎样,等一下吃晚饭的时候,你慢慢告诉我,OK。呵呵,老公知道我有一副很多话要讲的样子。晚上,我跟老公说了一堆,我的身体状况什么什么的。老公就回了我一句,你如果不好好照顾身体,你怎么可以和我一起活到88岁呢?

今天一早,睁开了眼睛,我跟老公说,今天是美好的一天,祝你今天过得顺顺利利。然后,我就跳下床说,我要去公园呼吸新鲜空气了,保持身体健康啦! 我要和你一起活到88岁,OK! 然后,我们就带着 Coby 一起到公园去了。





第一,我一直都很敬佩那些有钱有势的名人可以过得很低调。活了大半辈子,为社会贡献,为自己的一个家打拼,为自己的人生画了一副漂亮的画,还可以很潇洒的住在双层排屋,而非一间宽敞无比的 bangalore。





Monday, May 25, 2009



"你会不会觉得我很吵,很无聊,报告那么多东西啊?" 我问。
"不会啊!" 他笑笑说。"你说,我听。"

然后,我就一直说一直说,说个不停。告诉他最近他不在我身边所发生的事,朋友们跟我 share 的事情。然后,又问一堆关于男人和女人的问题。接着,他又得为我一一分析。我喜欢和老公常沟通。因为我们都认为夫妻之间的问题存在都是来自于"少沟通"。

我很开心老公是一位很 open-minded 的人。而让我这个有时候讲话不会停的女人陪他一辈子。