Wednesday, February 18, 2009



说着说着,才发现,原来我和老公已经回马五年了! 时间是过得快得很恐怖! 当初是想也没想就这样过了五年。 到现在,还是有人会问我们说,是什么原因会从一个很多人都向往的美国回到马来西亚国土。呵。。。。原来,问题是可以问了又问,而感触是可以时时刻刻都在变。

虽然,我们俩还是比较喜欢美国自由自在的生活,然而,我们并没有丝毫地后悔当初那种勇气的决定! 因为,我们在这五年学了很多在美国学不到的东西 -- 学到了如何认真地去看待自己的每一件事,学到了该如何在亚洲社会里对待亚洲人 (鸟人是也)。这些,都是我们在美国的七,八年时学不到的。对我而言,美国的生活实在是太单纯了。没有回来被欺负一下是不行的,呵呵! 所谓,铁棒磨成针是也!

又有人会觉得说,我们现在在吉隆坡买了个落脚的地方,应该会在这里永久住下到老吧? 我想问,字典有这样说吗? 地球一直在不停的转动,太阳升起又落下,没有所谓的绝对或长久。只要我明天能过得更好更精彩,到那里都一样。

我们的下一个五年,希望能够过得顺利成章,活得更精彩! 加油!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


昨天,我和老公谈到"旺夫的面相"话题。很多人都会说,旺夫的女人都会有个丰满的鼻子,特别是丰满的鼻头,又圆又有肉是最好的。而我们两个就说了谁谁谁,那一位女生是这样子的面相啦,到底是不是真的旺夫啦,等等之类的。说着说着,我就看看我的鼻子,哎哟,我没有旺夫鼻耶?! 那我老公就没有被我旺啦!?!?! 然后,我就懊恼得说,唉,对不起,我"旺"不了你了啦! 还害你要拼命赚多一点钱给我花,真是太对不起你了!!! 说着说着,我老公就一副很无所谓的样子回答我说,旺夫的面相,并不一定就是幸福的呀! 我咦了咦,心想,也对!! 然后很开心地说,也对哟,最重要的是两夫妻一定要幸福, 嘻嘻! 

人,总是要长的一副好看的样子! 如果长得一副富太样,是命吧! 而幸福的样子,就要我们一起努力了! 因为,幸福的样子,不是天生就能拥有的哟!

Seven Pounds


我个人喜欢在 Yahoo movie 里头找找看看一些值得看的电影片子。然后就去买下 DVD,在家和老公一起观赏。 ,就这样子躺在我们的柜子里。上两个礼拜的一个晚上,我们就在家把这部戏看完了。

感人的故事,到现在还是会让我历历在目,而还会让我不听地反思! 戏里的 Will Smith 活得很痛苦,当他决定要离开这人间时,他想尽办法得为这个世界做些他能做的事情。到底有多少个人,能够在准备离开这个世界时,为社会贡献一些些呢? 戏如人生,却没有多少人能够人生如戏!

我喜欢看好戏! 好戏能让我好好反醒和思考我所要的东西及方向;好戏也能让我更了解自己!  不是说一个普通的重量单位,而是把男主角描述得比任何一个人都伟大,任何人都没有勇气去做的 7 件事情! 如果大家有两个小时的话,去看看这部有意义的 <七磅> 吧!


4 天前的一个早晨,我和老公一起去吃 SUBWAY 吃早餐。途中,电台的两位 DJ 在讨论,如果你有机会上太空,而你只能带一样东西上去,你会选择什么呢? 其中一位 DJ 就说,他会带手机,因为可以在太空中拍照留念,也可以打电话或上网和朋友聊天,也可以听 MP3,在太空中就不会寂寞了呀 (但是,他忘了在太空中是没有电流供应的,呵呵!) ! 后来,我老公就问我说,我会带什么呢? 我想了想,说不知道。他赌气得说,我怎么会不知道,他自己都有答案了! 我奇怪地说,哦,那你会带什么上去? 他给了我一个很完美的答案: 他会带我上去,而我就带 COBY (我们俩的狗狗) 上去,那我们一家人就可以上太空去看美景了呀! 嗯,是很感动的答案,虽然这是件不可能发生的事情! 

谢了,老公! =)


我最近都很忙。忙到没什么时间写些我的 BLOG。心头是有很多 TOPIC 要写,但都因为时间的安排不当,而现在只好慢慢整理出来了。

忙些什么呢? 很多人都会拼命相信自己的想法,而去否定当事人的所在情况。就比如说,我说我忙,而每一个人都会认为我怎么会忙,或我到底有什么东西可以忙的?! 我这人是懒得解释,也不喜欢解释一堆。因为我觉得听的人听了也不会把我的答案当成一回事。所以,我的答案和解释是不重要的。最重要的是,我忙得开心! 呵呵!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A handbook for year 2009 -- Part IV (Life)


32.    Do the right thing!
33.    Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
34.    GOD heals everything.
35.    However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36.    No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37.    The best is yet to come.
38.    When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
39.    Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.
40.    Last but not least, share with your friends about this handbook.

A handbook for year 2009 -- Part III (Society)


25.    Call your family often.
26.    Each day give something good to others.
27.    Forgive everyone for everything.
28.    Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29.    Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30.    What other people think of you is none of your business.
31.    Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch. 

A handbook for year 2009 -- Part II (Personality)


11.    Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 
12.    Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.

13.    Don't over do. Keep your limits.

14.    Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15.    Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16.    Dream more while you are awake.
17.    Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
18..    Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. 

          That will ruin your present happiness.
19.    Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20.    Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21.    No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22.    Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra  class but the lessons you learnwill last a lifetime.

23.    Smile and laugh more.
24.    You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

A handbook for Year 2009 -- Part I (Health)

I read through an email sent by a friend that day. That was a good one that I hardly not to share with my friends. So, I decided to put it up here into four parts. :D


1.       Drink plenty of water.
2.       Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3.       Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
4.       Live with the 3 E's -- Energy,  Enthusiasm, and Empathy..
5.       Make time to practice meditation, yoga, and prayer.
6.       Play more games.
7.       Read more books than you did in 2008.
8.       Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9.       Sleep for 7 hours.
10.     Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day. And while you walk, smile.

My 15 days of Chinese New Year

It has been long long time for not updating my blog lately. I've been quite busy with my life since Chinese New Year Eve. But I'm happy that busy for someone who you care about is a good thing to have! At the same time, I'm busy with my own life as well. Like what I always say -- Life should be balanced well.

1. We welcome the baby twins to our Family Lau right before Chinese New Year. Way to go, baby twins! Jia you, Jasmine & Andy! You guys always have our blessing and love! I'm sure you two will be a wonderful pair of parents!

2. We are happy to be able to meet up and catch up with some old time good friends who were back from the States, Australia and China! Thanks for spending time with us and brought some joyful laugh to our home - June, Fang Ning, Eddie, May Ying, Cheau Lan, Wai Wah, Keng Woei, Jane & Jeremy, Joo Wee, Ah Hua, Ah Jo... It's not easy to survive in this global economy crisis. But you all are tough survivors!

3. I got my new iPhone during this festive season and I'm so into it! Thank my hubby to give me such a great gift! I'm gonna say bye bye to my old Nokia. Since then, I can organize my daily jobs efficiently wherever I go. And, I'd be able to keep myself updated under wi-fi coverage! Be a Hot Mama, hehe!

4. Our first time to visit neighbors during CNY. We are blessed of having such a wonderful neighbor and living in a beautiful neighborhood. 

5. I'm overwhelm to see Chia Zhen, Johnson & their lovely son Yang Yang! Taking initiative to meet someone you really miss is not an easy task every year. 

6. I was surprised for meeting up with the bloggers whom I met in Hew's blog! We were connected in the Internet world! 

It was a blessing and relaxing 15 days plus of Chinese New Year to me this year. =)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Lunar New Year!

It's Ox Year now, moo moo...! Happy Lunar New Year to all my friends! 

It has been a quiet new year in my hometown. We have been busy spending time with family both in Kluang and S'pore in the first week this time. After caming back to KL in week two, we were busy meeting up with some good friends whom are back from oversea. Well, besides eating and drinking, that's about it during our catch-up! Global economy crisis and business opportunities are one of the hottest topics to us. 

Anyhow, it has been a happy and relaxing Chinese New Year to me and King. I hope you all, too!