It's difficult to understand the sum of a person's life. Some people will tell you it's measured by the ones left behind. Some believe it can be measured in faith. Some say by love. Other folks say life has no meaning at all. I believe my life is measured by the people who measured themselves by you. ~~ The Bucket List
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Friday, October 29, 2010
First outing by myself
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Good website for present giver
Good blog for the mothers
Story time between a father and a baby
I like to see the moments of King & Declan, actually. They always make me laugh no matter who lead the story telling session. One will come up with funny description, one will babbling non-stop. Ahh... These 2 persons meant so much to me!! I just can't live without them -- the father and the son! =)
Book reading for my baby
Declan has a Black-&-White, Sometimes-Red cloth book. With the high contrast color images, Declan loves the book very very much! Every time when he is bored, we'd flip the imaged book page by page for him by our own description. He would just sort of reply us with babbling sound and kicking his both legs, and with a lot of smile and laugh. King and I were happy to see that as it is a sign of loving book from this little friend. So, how do we describe the picture to our young fellow? Here is my sharing tips as follow:-
When I describe an apple to Declan....
Oh what is this that we are seeing together now? Ohhhh... Apple!!! This is your favorite apple, Declan! Look at this apple, it's red color, a beautiful color! This apple wants to say hello to Declan! Hello, Declan, I'm apple, how do you do? What do you do today, Declan? I'm very happy to see you again, Declan! Apple is good for you and everyone! An apple a day, keep the doctor away! So, when you are a kid, you should eat more apple and other fruits, alright?
This is another example with a ladybug.....
Ahhh.... What is this, Declan? It's ladybug!! Oh isn't this ladybug beautiful? Look at the colors! This ladybug is in red color with a lot of black dots! Ladybug has 6 legs. We have 2 legs but ladybug is different from us. Ladybug is a happy insect. We must learn from ladybug that be a happy baby, alright? L for ladybug! Yay!
Moreover, I sing my song after each description. I've my own personalized song for Declan every time. King always laugh at me because the way I "read" Declan sounds like a children program Sesame Street! Hahahaha...!! By moving the cloth books while singing my personalized song, it is indeed funny!
This is my personalized song that dedicate to my son:-
Daddy love KJ.....
Mommy love KJ.....
Coby love KJ.......
Everybody loves KJ......
I composed and wrote this song for Declan from the first day we met! And, I repeat this song every day. This song meant a lot to me and this family!
Sometimes, we do read books for Declan. He seems like a book lover from the way he responds to us during our reading session, so far. We are happy and blessed!
Declan, oh, Declan! Books are our good friends. If we love books, we'd be loved, too! =)
"I Love You, Mummy" story reading.
Declan's favorite cloth book.
Back to my blogging world
King and I can't stop a second not to look at little Declan at times. We are scared of losing track of his growing. Having a baby at home is just too wonderful to both of us. We, sometimes, hug each other while looking at our baby. Declan is the force that driving us together. He's such a cutie-pie that we can't disagree.
Blogging is one of my hobbies. It's a good way for me to review myself and my life. I'm just busy plus lazy a little bit to do it in a weekly basis. My bad. How can I being lazy after having little Declan? I should be a good role model to my son. Hmm.... Mama Eunice..... Hehe!
Alright, let's start blogging again! Yee-ha! =)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Trend or Trap?
Welp, there are so many children programs in the market now. All is based on the needs for the parents. I wonder is all of them good for the kids. Are they a need for the babies and kids. It is a question mark to me. Gymboree, Kindermusik, Shichida, Montessori, you name it. I'm confused by the marketing and advertisement more. Most importantly, some of the fees are not cheap although it's affordable. But is it a must to my little Declan? I ponder..... I wonder..... I contemplate..... And, is this a trend or trap????? Other parents send their babies/toddlers to the programs but do I have to do the same thing? Do I have to follow what others do or have done? Is it really worth it?
I'm a full time home maker and mother. That means, I've 24/7 time for my family. But do I have enough time for little Declan? I guess this is all based on my own time management and what I wanna provide my son. I'm worried that KJ can't digest everything in one time and it'll become worse to him.
I wish to give Declan a happy and healthy childhood. I had a happy childhood with my siblings and cousins. We played and shared our own toys and we even imagined our own world during our play time. So I guess, first of all, I should bring Declan and meet more friends out there. So that he can have some play mates for socialization. As for those music, story, singing, gymnastic, fun programs, I'd do more research and hopefully I can do it at home with the little monster. It's fun to have DIY program at home, too.
Wish me luck!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
我說,女人真的是很很很很很偉大!!!超偉大,很大的那種!!我一一分析給他聽。女人在自己的家庭成長了十幾二十年,然後願意嫁給男人。然後要嫁進男方那家,搬進男人的家,甚至和不是養育自己的家翁家婆一起住。要遷就這裡遷就那裡。公婆要求孫兒,女人就得努力。若沒孩子,公婆就責怪女人不能生(你以為母雞生蛋哶!)。老一派的公婆還說要生個男孫呢(媽的,還要選!)。ok, 女人努力了,懷孕了。懷孕時,有錢的公婆或許(我是說或許而已,ok)會給女人吃點好的。沒懷孕的話,誰有空給你吃好的呀?懷胎 9 至 10 個月,辛苦的是女人。女人的害喜和肚子的重量,男人懂個屁?等到要生的時候,肚子疼個半死,或者六層的肚皮要開一刀,誰願意去承擔那種痛和肚皮上的疤痕?還是女人自己。痛了過後,生了過後,餵人奶的是當媽媽的那一位,不是爸爸厚。半夜起來餵奶的也是女人。辛苦了這麼久,而小貝比的姓確是跟爸爸姓的(哇嘮哩!)!而公婆都一直在看小貝比長得像誰。哇,當然是像男方一家啦。好的都像完爸爸啦,伯伯叔叔姑姑爺爺奶奶啦。小孩若是不精靈,就是像媽媽啦。若是公婆搖電話來,第一句問的是孫怎樣怎樣,而非問起媳婦做月有沒有休息或補得夠不夠,照顧小孩辛不辛苦。然後呢,照顧小貝比和小孩的主要是媽媽。若是公婆知道男人會和貝比洗澡,那女人不是很輕鬆(哇噻,應該是讚美男人的體貼吧?)?如果照顧的不好或是有點差錯,公婆會說女人不會教不會養他們的孫。男人或孫若長得乾巴巴的,就說是女人不會照顧老公和孩子。還有嗎。。。?我不懂。
說著說著 ,我好像要流眼淚了。好像我很慘那樣,呵呵!但是,心裡就是有種不平衡。女人所做的一切,到最後,若是男人回家給女人個擁抱,孩子給媽媽個微笑,甚麼都了!
King 說,女人是 powerful 的。男人能做的,女人也能做;女人能做的,男人未必能做。
給家翁們 -- 生男生女,是靠你家兒子的 X,Y 精子。麻煩去差差看。
給家婆們 -- 你以前也是人家的媳婦。所以,媳婦的心情你應該最明瞭。
給老公們 -- 老婆是娶來疼的。請多珍惜你家的黃臉婆。要買漂亮的衣服和化妝品是應該的。
給孩子們 -- 媽媽生你雖辛苦,但是你是媽媽的力量。要替媽媽加油哦!
給娘家們 -- 恭喜你擁有一個堅強的女兒!嫁過去了還是個漂亮媽媽!耶!
Mix feeding
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
When they sleep on each other's tummies
I see this scene every morning. They love to sleep on each other's tummy, haha! What a father-and-son scene!
Coby and us
Coby!! Many friends care about Coby after the arrival of Declan. They all asked about Coby and its reaction when he met Declan.
Coby has been behaving well in the past 2 months. He couldn't get to see me for 10 days when I was hospitalized. And when I got home, I couldn't pet and hug him as usual during my confinement. I'd say, Coby and I missed each other very much! King has been taking care of Coby all this while. And, Coby has understood that Daddy is the one who can spend more time with him since then. I'm glad that everything about Coby is well taken care of by King! Even my confinement lady does care about Coby, haha!
Well, we slowly introduce Declan to Coby lately. We feel so touched when Coby kisses Declan's hands and legs!!! It's such an amazing scene!!
Okay, now I can tell everyone that, my family members are King, Coby and Declan. We are one happy family! =)
My content baby
Monday, August 23, 2010
My 34th Birthday
Declan 讓我深深瞭解到母難日的真正意義。回想起我生 Declan 之前與之後所經過的日子,我就流汗!別人生孩子很容易,我這個安帝生孩子就那麼多經歷。嚇人哶?!昨天早上,我們一家人一起去見了我們尊敬的 Dr. Yap。聊了我之前所患的病 (pre-eclampsia 妊辰毒血症 & HELLP syndrome 血崩) 和之後要做的身體檢查等等之後,Dr. Yap 還是鼓勵我們再多個兩年,我可以再懷孕。我簡直就在流汗,舉起雙手,擺個大阿差,表示不可能!!!雖然患的機率還是很高(30%),但是一些人還是鼓勵我要往那 70% 的好機率方面想。我只能說,只有親身體念才能讓人深深瞭解到,生孩子的偉大與危險!而生多少個孩子對我來說,數目不重要。一家人能夠健康快樂得在一起成長才是最珍貴的。人生當中,每一樣東西只要和數目扯上關係的,人人都會拿來做比較。何苦?有多少個孩子,有多少輛車子,有多少個老婆,有多少錢?答案都是一個數字而已。寫一下不就可以了事,呵?!
和死神擦肩而過,我把 King 和 Declan 的手握得緊緊的。憶起當時 King 罵醫生和護士 man man 的樣子,想起我們把 Declan 留在醫院時的情景,我的心還是會抽一下。這兩隻屬老虎的都把我的心抓得緊緊的,我想我這輩子就是要服侍這兩位皇帝的啦,呵呵!
過去這一個月來所接到的越洋電話和問候不斷,鼓勵更是連連,我們的感激真的是不盡!抱歉的是我沒辦法及時向所有的親戚朋友們報平安。曲折的生產故事全都是原自於我的 Placenta 而產生的妊辰高血壓和嚇人的血崩。而我最感激的是醫學的進步!!!否則,我也不敢去想這個“否則”。
我 34 歲的生日,我第一個有寶寶的生日,真的是很不同!餵小恩桐喝奶的感覺就是我最棒的生日禮物!
I'm your sweet mommy!
Hello my lil' KJ! I'm your mommy, a sweet mommy! We met each other 5 weeks earlier but that's okay. I'm thrilled to hold you in my arms! You came to our world earlier and our life is full of laughter since your arrival!
Hi from Big Daddy!
Declan, this is your Dad, your proud Daddy! He feels proud every time when you were noticed by stranger outdoor because you look just too cute! And, I love this pinky romper with "If you think I'm cool, you should see my dad"! The shirt says it all, don't you agree, Declan? =)
Here comes your Wai Gong & Wei Poh
Here comes your Yeh Yeh & Poh Poh
Our hands
My confinement lady
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thank you, Dr. Yap!!!
Napping time
Changing diaper
Feeding time
Bathing time!

Temple visit after my 40 days of confinement
Full month of Baby Declan
Busy busy busy
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Our new family member
My 35 weeks -- KJ arrives!
To my dearest friend -- Luke Yeow
4/6 ,我吵著要出院,醫生說我可以出院在家休息;確沒想到同
5/6 傍晚,我接到欣卉的短訊,說你剛去世。我從午睡中跳醒,
6/6 一早,我給 King 唱了生日歌。然後,King 開始和我一起回憶和你的點滴,特別是你10年前去加州找
我不知道要如何把這篇文章做個 ending,因為這一次的拜拜,實在是太沈重了。保重
Third Trimester
Koh Samui
I'm back!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
My right side of my baby bump
Books for baby KJ
Taking a break
My dearest Grandma
The 5 kg
Thursday, April 1, 2010
夫妻誰的基因決定了孩子 (1)
基因, 夫妻, 孩子
男生是XY,X (卵)是來自母親,Y(精子)是來自父親。
女生是XX,X (卵)是來自母親,X(精子)是來自父親。
1. 你要判斷一個男生聰不聰明,看他媽媽就知道了。可是,
2. 然後我們用機率來算:
生男孩的機率= 1/2;生女孩的機率=1/2。
生男孩的時候,母親對於男孩智商的影響力 = 1
生女孩的時候,母親對於女孩智商的影響力 = 1/2
1*1/2 + 1/2*1/2 : 0*1/2 + 1/2*1/2= 0.75 : 0.25= 3 : 1= 母: 父
1. 是男生,如果你覺得你很笨的話。你千萬要娶一個聰明的女生來。
2. 是女生,如果你覺得你很笨的話,因為,
3. 當你看到一個男生很聰明的時候,則,他父親很聰明的機率是 0% (應該說,就算他父親很聰明,也對他是沒有影響的),
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
KJ -- King Junior
Good and relaxing mood
(丈夫于敏,从事资讯科技业 13载。酷爱理财,热衷投资。40岁前实现了财务自由的理想,现在南加州大学攻读工商管理硕士学位。妻子张力,从事资讯科技业 9年后从白领丽人变身全职主妇。无论工作还是在家,干的都是花钱的事。本文所述仅代表他们的个人观点。)