Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thank you, my dear friends!

I would like to address my appreciation to all my dearest friends who have been shared the joy with us! We are pleased and thrilled by the "surprise" since November, 2009! Thanks for sending us your blessing, your advices, your hugs!

I've someone special to thank to and I really appreciate the friendship between us -- me and Kelly! Kelly, thanks for paying me a visit right after sharing my good news with you! Your sharing and maternal books are really helpful and informative to me and King. I will never forget how much you care about me and support me when I'm down with some negative inputs. You make me feel more confident and happy! You are one of the mothers whom I should learn from based on your past experiences. Thanks for everything, my dear!

I have a long list to thank to. Your name might not be written here in this article but in our hearts. Thank you, all my dearest friends! May you all filled with happiness and luck! =)


kelly said...

哎哟,突然看到我的大名出现在你的Blog, 吓了一跳,还有点儿脸红咧。。。哈哈哈哈。。。。。。上次我怀孕吐到半死的时候,你也帮了我很多咧。。。我才要对你感激不尽啦。。。


Eunice said...
