Sunday, January 10, 2010



今早凌晨 5 點多,老公醒來上廁所。然後,就輪到我去上廁所,順便也拉拉肚子。過了大概 10 分鐘,我上床準備繼續睡覺,我看見老公把自己包得密不透風的,而他的樣子應該是熟睡了。我確對他說,“你很像木乃伊哩!”!他沒回應我。然後,我又繼續說,“嘿,木乃伊英文叫甚麼嚇?”,我也不知道為甚麼我會問這種無聊問題。老公小小聲得說,“mum-my....”。我還 “甚麼” 了三次,才聽清楚。得到了答案之後,我們兩個又繼續昏睡了。




Jasmine said...

Haha....!! So funny, he actually answered u!! But u do remind me that when I was in primary school, and bro was in high school, one early morning while i was still in bed, bro heard me asking :" what time is it?"

He said:" 7am. What u wake up so early? U dont need to go to school what, go back to sleep..blah blah blah." Then I didnt answer.

At night he asked me why i woke up so early, I was puzzled. I said i didnt wake up at all...

he was..pissed! But from ur and my experience, we can gather that he is a good listener and always answer questions :p AHAHAH...

Eunice said...

是哦?!哇,他真的很 “認真” 哩,哈哈哈!!!!

Ash said...

Yep! Going to toilet is what a pregnant woman does best! Sometimes I went to toilet 3-4 times a night later in my pregnancy. Enjoy your sleep now. =)