Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Let me introduce Family Lau to you!

Dear baby,

Your last name will be Lau, following by Daddy's last name. So I think we shall introduce you the Family Lau!

The big man in the family Lau is 爺爺 , the father of your Daddy. He's an old man but with young heart and energetic body. 爺爺 is a successful businessman and I'm sure you'll have a lot to learn from him. He's a kids lover. I'm sure he'll love you very much!

The big lady in the family Lau is 婆婆 , the mother of your Daddy. She's a beautiful woman since young. You must kiss her every time when you see her because she loves to kiss kids in the same way. You must tell her that you love her, ok?

You have a 大伯 and 伯母, they are Daddy's eldest brother and sister-in-law. They have a baby named Xin Yi.

You have a 二伯 and 二伯母, they are Daddy's second brother and second sister-in-law. You have 2 cousins named Zach and Kate. They all live in Singapore. 二伯 and 二伯母 love kids very much, especially 二伯. You will have a lot of fun time with them when you meet them. Zach told Mommy he wish to have a boy cousin. I told Zach that I'll try to give him one but if you are a girl, Zach will be happy to be your playmate, too.

You have a 姑姑 and 姑丈, and a cousin named Xavier. They live in Shanghai. Xavier is one year old than you. I'm sure you and Xavier will have a lot of fun time together if we do exchange programs for you and Xavier, haha! However, you must share your toys and love with Xavier.

Family Lau is welcoming you, my baby! They are happy for Daddy and Mommy because they all would be "promoted" due to your arrival. Please smile at them when you meet them one day! =)

Till here.

Daddy and Mommy

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