我说,"我都不在乎,你在乎什么? 结婚钻戒一生一颗就够了,买多一颗干嘛呀,你?! "我心里当然是暗笑啦!
我是比较阿 Q 的女人。只要老公能在每一年抽空带我去旅行一次,我就心满意足了。钻戒,只是一种象征。两个人一起游走天下,这才是我们的浪漫。
卡拉卡拉,嗯,想想,或许以后我们可以为我们以后的女儿取名叫做 Carla ,这卡拉可就贵重得多了呢,哈哈!
PS: 当今法国总统夫人的名就是 Carla.
ps: 我很喜歡Carla Bruni哈哈~
谢谢 KODOMO 大驾光临! =)
我越来越喜欢 CARLA 这个名字了! 希望能生个女儿,哈哈哈! 我疯了!
Haha! I refuse to have a diamand ring for my wedding. Instead, I have a sliver band that engraved "friendship, loyalty, love" in runic" and I love it!
They are too many blood diamond in the market and I just don't feel right having it to represent his commitment to me. Like you said, what's that really matter is deep down in the hearts!
I love Carla Bruni, love her songs! Have you check them out yet? I think you might like them too! =)
Ash! I love the three words that engraved on your wedding band! It is truly wording out how much you two care about each other by trusting each other. Friendship has to be developed between two parties, this hardly can be found in Asian culture. I'm going to share this with King! =)
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