Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Bucket List ~~ a movie you must not miss!

There are NOT many good movies can be found in the theatres in M'sia. So, I, sometimes, will browse through Yahoo movie for some good tips. And this is how The Bucket List came across my mind.... Finally, we found the movie!!

After finishing the movie, there's no teary eyes but full of thoughts and questions.... Have you found joy in your life? Has your life brought joy to others? This really puzzle me a little while. I'm sure everyone found joy in life (of course, life is full of up and down). But, has your life brought joy to others? Are you sure?

I've a to-do list all this while. It is a forever long to-do list, ha! When you finish one item, you will have one or two more to be added in. Life is full of dreams that we would like to make it happen. Some are pretty realistic ideas -- no money, no talk; some need time to harvest it; some need patient and waiting. I'm living for myself, so far. I've a small family commitment because I have no kids yet. There are many people are living for others without any choices. I can't say this is sad or pathetic because every single decision and choice should be well-respected. But I shall say, we should live for how we want to live like. i think it's all worth it with no regret, especially when we know our death day is going to fall on our own calender one day.

The Bucket List is starred by no handsome men but 2 old men who are at their golden age -- Jake Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. The song writer John Mayer wrote the song titled "Say (what you need to say)" after reading the script with tears. It sits in my movie rack as my collection since then. So, why not you give it a try now, eh?

We only live once in a life. So, why not live in a style?

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