Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Financial Literacy Education

What's the definition of Money? 

I read the chapter of financial literacy education from Karl Jr. Weter book over the past few days. The author strongly emphasized that giving the guidance on Money Management to his little son was part of his child education. It is very important to introduce money to a child and give the child a guidance on money management, no matter it comes to a living expenses management, or money saving. It is just so important that everyone has to deal with money when someone reach adult age. 

I didn't have a lot of pocket money when I was young. And, I saved money to buy something that I wanted to that parent will not buy me easily. However, my parents did not teach me how to use my saving as a good investment, which means to buy something is valuable that will appreciate after a decade or longer. Hence, I believe that the introduction of financial management and investment should be introduced to kids when they were young. So children will have some ideas about how to spend their extra pocket money or saving in a right way. Not only that, the author emphasized that the value evaluation of money is neccessary to be taught as well. So that, a child knows what is worth to spend and not. Wow! Being a parent is not easy; but, it is rather more difficult to be a smart parent! :)

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