We had a lot of good time with James' family last night for Mooncake Festival. Coby, the Lab, had a lot of fun with his dog family as well -- it was a family reunion for Coby to meet his mother, aunty and brothers as well, haha!
James has a little 8 years old nephew and a little 3 years old niece at home. They all stay together with a big family. No doubt, kids are pretty cranky at times and they are so talkative that can make everyone suffered with their unending questions and stories! Sometimes, their nanny and mother have no choice to use other methods to stop their talking and naughtiness. King and I are surprised that they use "threatening" method to stop their misbehaving at times. I understand that the elder is trying to stop their improper thinking and behavior when they are disobedient. Yet, I truely disagree with them by using any threatening method. This will cause other side-effects. For example, losing of confidence, losing of analytical skill with right-and-wrong judgement, become a timid person, etc. Well, anyhow, these two little fellow are good kids overall. I think their parents will give them more firm guidance when their mind is fully developed. :)
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