Wednesday, April 22, 2009


A friend of mine in the States had bad luck since last year. His life is disturbed by whatever bad luck it is. Job loss, 2 kids are ready for schools, unemployement problem, I can't name them all. And, I just found out that he had a car accident recently. Oh no.... :(

Somehow, I find that I'm ironic! Life in western countries are much better in quality compare with life in Malaysia. There are many people, including myself, would like to migrate to western countries for whatever reason. Yet, without health insurance, living in a western country sucks! The bill will drive you crazy and your life will be messed up. 

King told me once before, money is what we need no matter where we live in. We are not realistic persons. But King has his points to proof him right. People will respect you when you have money when you are in hospital, in a business discussion, in school, even in front of your family and relatives. How dirty it is!

Money money money.... Yes, who will say no to Mr. M. But, do not forget to get a cup of coffee when you are tired of making money. =)

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