Why do I need a lot of money? Hmm... I guess I can contribute my effort more in some of the areas with money in hand. Some of you may not agree with me. Here are my reasons. =)
1. I can help out more in orphan centre.
Yes, King and I used to contribute something to a Orphan Centre nearby our house before. We haven't been visiting them for quite some time, our bad!
2. To do some investment.
We have been reading many financial news recently due to the economy crisis. Stock, Bond, Commodity, Housing Property, whatever you name it. Everyone is short in hand and cutting their cost and expenses. Investors encourage their clients to pump in their hard earn money into any type of investment just because of the low number. Is it a good timing? No one can answer or predict that. But with tons of cash in hand, you may consider that. Why not? Rich people gets richer....
3. Upgrading.
With cash in hand in this economy downturn, we may upgrade our car or housing renovation with a good rate. You see, that's why rich people get richer! Damn....
4. Quality of life.
Once you stick to a good quality of life, you do not want to sneak out from it. A friend of mine enjoys her life in an envious way. She can travels wherever she wants to go, she drinks whatever drink she loves, she does whatever hobby she likes the most, she can buy whatever she wants to buy, whatever it is, she has CASH in hand!!! What can you say? How many people can do whatever you like without thinking of your bank account? Hahaha.....
5. Shopping!
Which woman will say no for shopping? Hahahaha!!!! I can buy a lot of nice dresses, shoes and dress up myself. But.... Do I need so many clothes and shoes? It's a no. =)
6. Last but not least, Travel Around the World!
Oh man! I love traveling! This is the biggest wish in my life! I must fulfill this dream in my life! =) Gambateh!
When it comes to money money money, everybody loves it! But we always forget about our health. Sighs.... I must have a healthy and fit body to fulfill my dream list.