Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My dearest dog, the Labby Coby!

I just can't stop loving my Coby, the Labrador! =)

I used to be afraid of dogs when I was little and young. King is the one who changed my mind to loving dogs. During the days and years in the States, King introduced me dogs and how dogs treat their owners and repay their owners in life time. We fall in love with Golden Retriever because of their friendly faces and playful characteristics.

Ever since moving into our new home in Kuala Lumpur, we never thought of having a dog. But Coby came into our life in the right timing. I still remember how cute and lovely Coby was when he was just born. The little seven Labrador puppies were crawling and sleeping next to their mother JJ. King decided to bring Coby back home as my home companion after seeing my love fallen into this little buddy. And, ever since, our life is enlighten by this little puppy everyday and night.

Coby is one year and 9 months old now. How we wish he will not grow up and old fast.

When I wake up in the morning nowadays, Coby wait for me happily by biting his toy(s) at his sleeping area. I put on my sport shoes, Coby bites his red leash, we will go to the park happily together. After our morning walk in the park and Coby has done with his "business", we'll come back home and I'll get ready for Coby's breakfast -- milk and doggy biscuits. After pleasing this little fellow in the morning, I'll bring Coby to our bedroom and greet King! What a happy family scene I can say!

King is busy and stress with work all the time. However, he'll not miss his personal time with Coby every evening in the park. Having a personal touch and conversation with Coby is our daily activity. Surprisingly, Coby is our superstar in the neighborhood. Many kiddies love to play with Coby by throw-and-fetch trick. And, we slowly introduce the kids how nice a dog can be, if you love the dog. A few kiddies will come at my house gate and call Coby, just for the sake of seeing Coby for a second. It's so touching to see a scene like that between kids and Coby.

Coby, you are a wonderful doggy, especially in our heart. When daddy and mommy are upset, you will always be there with us and cheer us up by giving your cute look. You always forgive us when you were scolded by us. We've a place for you in our heart and it'll be forever.

We have friends and families in our life; yet, Coby has merely both of us in his world. Coby, we love you, we really love you! You are an amazing dog! =)

Flightless Bird, American Mouth ~~ Iron Wine

I bump into this beautiful song through Ashley's blog 2 days ago. And I can't stop playing this song!

This song was played in the movie of Twilight. I'm not a fan of Twilight but this beautiful song gives me a sense of peace. Check out the links on youtube:

The original song:

The piano piece:

The third quarter of the year


那天我才问老公,这一次的金融风暴,我们学到了什么? 虽然我们不是什么大投资家,但是总会从中学习到什么吧?!

再过三个月半,我们家的 Coby 就两岁了。我还真的有点舍不得它长大得那么快呢!

搬进我们的新屋子也超过一年半载了。很高兴得我们把屋子布置得还蛮不错的,哈哈! 最重要的是还是我们能快快乐乐得住在一起啦!

而接下来的 last quarter of the year ,希望我们能继续努力,而在明年的 budget 2010 实现我们的小小愿望!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Life is full of bonus!

What's the definition of Friendship? 我这两天一直在想一个很好的答案给自己。朋友,到底定义又是在那里?

当然,我不是一个很好的故事人,更别是在我的世界里说一堆有的没的的 complaint 。然而,我想在我的世界里抒发自己的不解和疑惑。


朋友对我好,我由衷感激。每个人对待朋友的方式都是不同的。我用方式 A 对待你好,我不渴求你用方式 A 回馈我,我那敢要求啊?! 我尊重任何的方式 A 到 Z,甚至是默默无闻的方式。我也无所谓。Life is full of bonus. =)

受伤一下也好啦。人生反正就是这个样子。当你过得快乐得要死的时候,突然间就会有一个天使出现在你身边,提醒你一下,让你痛一下。Life is full of bonus. =)

一位朋友曾经告诉过我一句话: 如果你没有要求太多的话,而你没有 expect 到的都是 bonus。我包着这个心态去处理与面对任何事情 -- Life is full of BONUS!!! 就这样,我的人生都是惊喜与快乐! =)

谢谢那些猪朋狗友给我带来的"有眼泪的欢笑" -- Laugh with tears! 谢谢那些对我没甚特别要求的朋友们 -- 你们的无所谓让我知道,我不是自己一个人在这里讲我的真理,呵呵! 谢谢老公当我一辈子的知心好友 -- 不管是看我的死人臭脸骂人,还是搞笑的一面,呵呵! 也要谢谢一直陪伴我的另一个知心朋友 -- Coby,我的爱狗! 不管我多生气骂你的时候,你到最后还是头低低得来疼我 kiss 我,呵呵! 至于那些把我打下地狱的朋友 -- 谢谢你早点让我知道,什么才叫做真正的朋友,而我会更加珍惜他们。=)

Life is full of Bonus! =)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy 09.09.09!

It's a good day today with a good combination -- 09.09.09! And it means a lot to me and King! We registered on 9th of September four years ago and we've became husband-and-wife for four years! Oh wow! I've never thought of being a married woman for that long, haha! And, I'm happy that I've became Mr. Lau all the while that made King's life better, I suppose. Hehe!

Thinking past, we dated in year-end 1999. After 6 years of dating, King proposed to me in June, 2005; we registered in September; we got married in Jan, 2006; we went for honeymoon in May. Wow, we've made it so far!

I'm not fancy with all kinda anniversary with first kiss date or first dance date or first hug date or what-so-ever. But 09.09 means a lot to both of us. We chose to be husband-and-wife officially on 9th of September because it means "Everlasting" in Mandarin. And, we really mean it and we know that we are going through all the obstacles together until we can see our white hair one day.

Thank you, my love, whom have given me the chance to share your happiness and sadness along the years. And I hope that I've been a wonderful wife to you, hehe! Cheers, King!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


昨天和老友 Yen 吃饭叙旧。彼此互相 update 最近过得如何。而 Yen 怀孕了,我们的话题当然是离不开孩子啦。

聊着聊着,Yen 的话让我有很深的感触。而自己一向来也是有这么一个观念,孩子的多寡不是最重要的,我们注重的是 quality, 不是quantity。孩子长大了也会有自己的一片天。而最重要的也是,我们的身体一定要保持健康,身心愉快,财务独立。好让孩子(们)能够放心得打拼他(们)自己的天地。而在年老的岁月里,能够和我们相依陪伴的就是我们的老伴了。因此,拥有相爱的老伴儿是很重要的,因为孩子(们)不是我们最终的依靠。

晚上,我跟 King 在车子里分享了我和 Yen 的话题和想法。我也趁机告诉他说,健康是对自己和爱人所负的责任。有了健康,爱和财富就会跟随着我们,一直到老。我们不知道我们能相依到什么时候,得看我们的缘分了。好好珍惜吧!

The Up

Yes, the Disney cartoon movie -- Up!

King and I caught this movie last week. Bee Ai gave it a thumbs up and we gave it a try. As a cartoon lover, I won't miss it for sure.

King had a teary eyes when the old wife left the old husband after suffering from illness. The 78 years old man continue pursuing the dream of theirs . It really is a good storyline by telling all the audiences that we shall continue make our dreams come true even though it is for someone you love.

Wish our dream comes true, King! =)