When we were in Manila, Philippines, Coby had some good time with his dog family. I simply love this picture very much because of their curiousity in this picture. Dogs are best friends of human. Coby is part of our family. =)
It's difficult to understand the sum of a person's life. Some people will tell you it's measured by the ones left behind. Some believe it can be measured in faith. Some say by love. Other folks say life has no meaning at all. I believe my life is measured by the people who measured themselves by you. ~~ The Bucket List
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Thursday, August 27, 2009
Coby's family gathering
Picture: Wee Wee (Coby's aunty, a Golden Retriever), Bruno (Coby's eldest brother), Coby, JJ (Coby's mother, the one was walking behind the canines).
My time with Coby
The weather is surprisingly good lately. It was sunny with clear sky and cotton cloud during the day time. And it was breezy during the evening time and we got some rain drops or downpour at night which was good for sleeping, hehe!
I enjoyed the raining view last night with Coby. Coby was sitting next to me and both of us enjoyed the breeze together. It was OUR time. =)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
照片图解: 这 ice cream 很好吃,你要来 try 一点吗?
"我先走吧,让你活长命一点。" 老公说。
"吓? 我不要! 你先走,那我一个人活着干嘛?" 我有点不爽得说。
"那你要怎样?" 老公拿我没办法。
"我不可以 leave without you, 但是你可以 leave without me。因为你比我坚强。" 我继续我的理论。
"什么啦? 我也是不可以哩。降我们做么办好? 唉。。。" 老公为了我的问题和答案而有点懊恼。
"还是一起死比较好。哈哈! 不用吵,也不用争咯。" 我讲到好像自己可以选择自己的死期似的。
我相信有很多 couple 都曾讨论过这个话题。听起来有点无聊,有点肉麻,有点笨。然而,当你爱一个人的时候,你就是会想一些无聊的问题。最重要的是,如何在这些无聊问题当中紧握对方的手,一起好好走下去。
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Thank you, darling!
Thank you, darling!
Thank you for showing me the world while you were on business trips!
Thank you for sharing your pace with me step by step!
Thank you for telling me I'm not alone while you were busy!
Thank you for coming back home after your busy trips!
Thank you, darling, thank you for everything! =)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Mind Your Own Business!
这里是我的 blog,这里是我的世界,所以我有权力要说什么就说什么,hooray!
"你怎么还没 baby 啊,你不喜欢小孩吗?"
"你和你老公 try 多久了,有没有去看医生? 去看一下比较好,你们俩年纪都不小了。有病的话,可以早点医,别浪费你们的时间。"
"哇,你不用做工,好羡慕你呢! 你老公一定是赚很多钱,哈哈! 你老公是做那一行的?"
"你住 landed property 还是 condo? 住在那里 (那一区)?"
你们这些人到底"你"够了没有啊? 很多问题问吼? 你们到底是真正的关心我,还是在调查我的背景啊? 是不是很想知道我老公赚多少钱,我可以待在家里悠闲过日子呢? 是真的羡慕我可以去旅行,自由自在吗? 我闻到一股醋味哩!
是的,我们真的很有钱,we are fucking rich! 我只能说"同人不同命"咯。不是每个人都能有这种好命的咯。不好意思啦。哈哈哈!!!!!! (讲这整句话实在是爽到。。。!!!!)
"我就没你那么好命咯! 我老公 blar blar blar...."
~~~~ 那你就别理别人的事情那么多,多想想如何增进你们的感情吧!
"你们勤劳一点嘛! 等你有小孩了,那我们又可以多一个话题聊!"
~~~~ 谁要跟你聊那么多啊? 你自己好像都顾不好哩。
~~~~ 那你还有时间理会我的私事? 自己的事情都忙不完了,还鸡婆?!
"我的 maid 给我很多问题,烦死了! 你就好咯,没有 maid 的烦恼!"
~~~~ 你家里的 maid 给你的问题是你自己找的,谁叫你请 maid?
其实,我根本就不需要告诉你们我到底在家做些什么,忙些什么。因为你们连最基本的道理都不了解,什么是尊重别人,什么是礼貌,什么是知足,什么是感恩。可怜的一群女人! 幸好我是个快乐有钱人太太! 呵呵呵!
Monday, August 3, 2009
The good part of the marriage!
King was not feeling well since last week. And I got the virus from him later on.
"How are you feeling, Eunice?" Kuljit, my neighbor, asked.
"Arrgghh.... Struggling...." I said, King was by my side.
"You see, that's the good part of the marriage!" Kuljit said and raised his eyebrow.
"Huh? Virus doesn't work with marriage!" I didn't get it and said.
"Marriage shares everything, including virus!" Kuljit explained it louder.
We all burst into laugh and no one disagreed. Hahaha...!!! Yeah, I don't mind sharing the virus with you, honey. As long as you recover in a faster pace. I'll take good care of myself and I hope you do the same. =)
Get well soon, Mr. and Mrs. Lau!
Budgeting Rule -- 50, 30, 20
King and I always come up with this topic -- where did our money go to? Where's our budget? Yes, we always keep reminding each other about budgeting and watch our spending. Thanks to Rose for an online article sharing last week. And I would like to share some tips with my friends here.
There's no one-size-fits-all solution because everyone's circustances vary widely. However, the 50-30-20 Rule is a basic budgeting that we can apply on every single household. And I find that it's interesting and pretty good. It makes sense and I got to know that what current life style I'm falling into with my budget.
50% ~~
These 50% amount of your after-tax wages will go to our must-have fixed spending. For example, housing loan, car loan, utilities, phone bill, food, insurance, childcare, etc. These 50% is a must-have spending without compromising.
30% ~~
The 30% is calculated as a flexible figure. Clothes, vacation, extra features on phone bill (call waiting, etc), dining-out, Internet access, TV cable, etc. All these are extra services and features if you do not really need it. Hence, 30% is the margin within the monthly spending.
20% ~~
Saving will go into this 20% gap. Whichever type of saving counts. For example, cash saving, retirement fund, emergency fund, etc. When we can retired without worry and how much we can survived without a job out of the sudden, it depends on this accumulated 20% amount. So, this 20% plays an important role among the 100%.
Again, thanks to the article from MSN Money website. I truly think this is one of the best budgeting ideas that I've ever read, so far. I looked into my monthly bill and loan settlement after reading. I'm happy that my financial circumstance fits into this 50-30-20 Rule. It's time for us to move on again.
Happy budgeting!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
"现在的父母亲不容易当啊! 什么东西都贵的要死! 不努力赚多一点钱,生活那里负担得了? 所以,我没时间陪孩子啦! 都是送他们去补习班啦,学这个学那个啦。免得他们在家闷得发慌,也不会捣蛋!"
现在的父母亲,是不是都是用金钱去买时间陪孩子做习呢? 到底和孩子们在一起的时间值多少钱呢?
一天只有 24 个小时。如果父母亲都很努力上班加班,一天只能见孩子们的时间只有4 个小时 (父母亲上班也好,孩子们去上课与课外活动也好),然后孩子们就去睡觉了。那么,260 天 (5 天制上班) 乘上4 个小时,就是 920 个小时,也就等于 31 天。52 个星期有 104 天是周末。再加上公司给的 10 天有薪假期,10 天病假,总共是 155 天,也就等于 5 个月。一年能跟孩子们相处的时间就只有仅仅的 5 个月。是多是少,见人见智。
孩子们到了 18 岁都出城或出国深造。那到底能和孩子们一起相处的时间有多少呢? 大家自己算吧!
~~ 到底,现在的孩子们要的是什么?
"哎呀,现在的孩子可就幸福啦! 可以学以前我们没有机会学的钢琴啦,小提琴啦,画画啦,空手道啦,中国武术啦,电脑啦,心算啦,芭蕾舞啦,游泳啦,足球啦,网球啦,什么都有! 多幸福啊!" 很多妈妈都是这么想的。
"现在的孩子的学习能力可强咯! 什么样的补习都有! 以后我的孩子肯定能出人头地!" 很多爸爸也有这么样的想法。
~~ 到底,孩子们想要的是什么?
"我觉得很好呀! 我以前就是没机会学这些东西,我现在就努力赚钱让孩子们去学这么多东西啊!"
~~ 那,孩子们到底想要的是什么呢?
"哎哟,如果我不让孩子学,他们又怎么会跟得上学校和社会的脚步呢? 我不想让孩子们长大了,然后怪罪我呢!"
~~ 那,你到底有没有问过孩子们,他们到底要的是什么?
"我的孩子可厉害咯! 数学科学英文样样拿 A+ ! 我家有客人来做客时,他们都称赞我的孩子会弹钢琴啦,拉小提琴啦,懂什么是电脑,在电脑里那里找照片给你看啦,还会踢足球呢!"
~~ 孩子们呀,你们到底知不知道,自己要的是什么呀?
"哎呀,你还没当妈妈,你不了解当父母亲的苦衷的啦! 等你有一天拥有了自己的孩子,你还不是跟我们一样!?!"
~~ 孩子,你到底在想些什么?
孩子们,真的是那么爱去上补习班吗? 课外活动,到底有没有包括人生观呢? 老师们,真的那么了解孩子所需要的吗?
~~ 现代的爸爸妈妈,你们到底要的是什么?
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