Tuesday, October 27, 2009


这阵子,我一直觉得不安。不安在 Internet 上面能 post 多少事情。而在 Internet 的世界里,到底有多少人,有何人在 monitor 你的生活,甚至是在 study 你的思考。想起来,真的是有点恐怖!

我开始在 Facebook 里把我很多照片给删除了;我开始不在 Facebook 和 blog 写太多我的思考了;我开始考虑到我和家人的安全和隐私权;我开始了很多其他的思考。我是不是想太多了呀?

什么是隐私权? 这真的是要看自己能够保护自己多少了。Privacy... Yes...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We are enrolled!

I've enrolled my violin lesson, ah ha! :D
King has enrolled his drum lesson! Rock school, here King comes! :D

Last Saturday, King and I were talking about what lessons we want to go for in our life. With no kids commitment yet, we decided to pursue what we are going to do right away. Hence, we drove to a music school nearby our house right after our breakie last Saturday. And here we go, we've enrolled ourselves to the music school! Hooray!

King choose a rocky instrument -- Drum! Ah ha! I can't wait to see my King to play drum with his head scarf, hehehe! I choose Violin from the list. We are going to have fun, I'm sure. No exam, no concert performance, no stress. Just to have FUN out of it! :D

Oh, my... We are so excited about our new lessons coming up! Can't wait to meet our new teachers. =)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The grass is always greener on the other side

There's a say saying that, "The grass is always greener on the other side". I agree with my two hands and two legs.

We all tend to look at the good side of the other party and what they are having. But we never thought of what they are lacking of. Hence, we are so unsatisfied with our current life and start complaining. I envy you, you envy me. And this chain goes on and on. Nobody is satisfied with our own current life.

What I can say is, "I do not have many things; yet I have many things, at the same time". =)

Thursday, October 8, 2009




第一天,老師叫他們做五分鐘的自我介紹,他原以為很容易想不到不到兩分鐘就把學經歷、名片上的頭銜,連家庭成員都講完了,剩下三分鐘無話可講。老師厲聲問他,「你人生的經歷難道連五分鐘都填不滿?」他悚然而驚,對呀! !活了快五十個年頭,怎麼連五分鐘都填不滿?但是卻真的想不起自己做了什麼值得拿出來講的大事。他生活的重心一直是工作,但是這些人都是同一公司的高階主管,做的工作跟他都很相似,有什麼好講?除了工作,其他乏善可陳。所以他跟老師告饒說「真的沒有了」。


老師叫他想他兒子從一出生,一路成長到現在的影像。他記得兒子剛出生時的樣子、剛入學一年級的樣子,但是很快就變成高中生的樣子了,中間的十年他怎麼也想不起來,好像一晃就過了。 最 後老師說,「你難道願意死後墓碑上除了年月日什麼都沒有留下?」他再度震驚,因為他已經明瞭他人生是白走的了。


人生的意義在心靈的富足,心靈的富足在對別人的關懷、照顧與奉獻,他在這方面太貧乏了,連自己的家人都沒有照顧好,遑論對? 懋、對他人。




~~ Source from a friend on Facebook.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I miss you all!

I miss all my friends in the States so so much! Yes, I miss you all very much! =)

I miss the golden time we've spent together.
I miss you whoever has been so supportive to me even though we don't see each other very often, maybe once a year or two.
I miss your smile and the laughter we used to have.
I miss you whoever can read my mind without a word from me.
I miss the jokes we used to have and how we teased each other.
I miss the way we posed for a picture.
I miss the car we used to carpool.
I miss the Summer trips we had.
I miss....
I miss everything of you all.

I don't like the friends here in Asia, although there are a few exceptions.
I don't like the people who are realistic and materialistic here.
I don't like the people who hurts people's feeling for the sake of being a winner here.
I don't, I really don't like them with many reasons.

Thank you for giving me a wonderful memory during my Golden time in the States! Take good care, my dear friends in the States! =)