Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our Angel, Isaac!

Hmm... How should I start this one...? It's sadden to know that one of our nephews has left us last week. King is very sad. We had teary eyes. I calm myself down and comfort King as good as I could. When I read the message written by Jasmine, I couldn't hold my tear and burst into tear. I walked away after finishing it because I couldn't even have one more look at the picture of our little Angel. I guess, it's time to say goodbye to our little Isaac. 

Dear Isaac, you will always in our heart. Rest in peace and hold your little wings and guard your parents and little brother forever. Althought Uncle King and Aunty Eunice have not met you in person, we love you forever, little one!

Dear prayers, please bless this family - Jasmine & Andy and their little younger twin Xavier. They are good persons and they deserve a happy family. 

Angels, pls take good care of our Isaac in Heaven.... Thank you.... :*)

Southern Hemisphere

Here we come, Southern Hemisphere! 

King and I are hopping into airplane next week to Australia, hooray! I'm excited to meet my best friends in Australia this time. I'm sure it'll turn out a good one as we have a lot of outdoor activities in plan. Time to catch up with friends in oversea. I want to get out from all the crappy things that have happened to me lately.

Everything happens for a reason. After a bad thing pass by, good thing will come. Wish King and I have a wonderful holiday with bunch of good friends!

Eistein Never Used Flash Cards

Ashley is a book reader. She reads a lot of books. During our visit, she introduced this book to me. And, it's my honour to have this book from her as a gift. Thank you, Ashley! =)

I starts to read this book today. Just finished a few pages and the introduction this morning. More than 90% of the book viewers rated it as 5-star book in Amazon. Honestly speaking, the book title actually is a good hint to all the parents nowadays. 

I get to know that what flash cards are and how they function the babies' brains in this new era by my motherly friends. I've no comments on this flash card method and stuff. But I don't agree with the monetary price of the goods nowadays. I remember that a friend of mine bought her little baby boy a whole set of flash cards materials in total RM3000 last year! I was shocked by the price of the materials. And I looked into the materials by knowing what the "value" is. Down the road, although I am not a mother yet, I strongly believe that spending quality time with your little one is the most important thing, no matter how much a mother input a baby. Having a play with your little one is far more important than lecturing a baby/kid. 

I have a good childhood, although I didn't travel around the world or have those expensive barbie dolls stuff like that when I was little. I'm glad that I have a creative childhood with lots of fun and imagination with games. Thank godness I've a pair of good parents. 

Read books! Go read books! =)

7 years!

We paid Ashley a visit last night, after 7 years. It was a great one during the almost 3 hours talk!

It's great to meet an old time friend after so many years and yet we still can talk non-stop happily! It's not easy to get a good friend, yet it's even more difficult to maintain a friendship. I believe that taking the first step to stay in touch with friends is the reason to maintain a good relationship. Everything starts from me, not the other side.

Cheers to our friendship, Ashley! =)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


最近我碰到一件大事情。让我难过得要死。打了个电话给爸妈,把整件事情的来龙去脉都认真的告诉了他们俩。然后,他们俩给了我一句: 你放心,不管怎样,我们俩一定站在你这边,一定挺你,你甭担心,哦! 我一听,嗯了一声,什么话也说不下去,眼泪就流了下来。当孩子遇到问题的时候,总是会寻找父母亲的肯定。

问题已经解决了。而从中我更加理解到父母亲对自己的爱戴! 爸爸,妈妈,辛苦你们了! 我所受的委屈多么难熬,因为有你们,我会继续坚持的! Dad & Mom, I love you two!! =)

最近家里发生了一件 family matter 。让我有了很多感触。做人,难;做好人,更难!

到底要如何才能当一个"人"呢? 想来想去,影响力最大的就是当父母亲的了。而当中的家教是最重要的了。因为一个人的一生,就会因为家教而改变。


如今,爷爷已经过世了,而奶奶也已经高龄91! 但是,他们所带给我们世世代代的严教是让我们一生受惠的! 所以,我以后一定要好好教育我的下一代。我才不要我的子孙后代遗臭万年呢,呵呵!