King and I are book lovers (I know I've mentioned this many times in my blog, ha!). We've bought quite a number of books for our little one as well. We want to bring books to Declan's life which is good for him. Not being a bookworm but falling in love with books. Hence, wherever we go or travel, bookstore will be in our itinerary.
Declan has a Black-&-White, Sometimes-Red cloth book. With the high contrast color images, Declan loves the book very very much! Every time when he is bored, we'd flip the imaged book page by page for him by our own description. He would just sort of reply us with babbling sound and kicking his both legs, and with a lot of smile and laugh. King and I were happy to see that as it is a sign of loving book from this little friend. So, how do we describe the picture to our young fellow? Here is my sharing tips as follow:-
When I describe an apple to Declan....
Oh what is this that we are seeing together now? Ohhhh... Apple!!! This is your favorite apple, Declan! Look at this apple, it's red color, a beautiful color! This apple wants to say hello to Declan! Hello, Declan, I'm apple, how do you do? What do you do today, Declan? I'm very happy to see you again, Declan! Apple is good for you and everyone! An apple a day, keep the doctor away! So, when you are a kid, you should eat more apple and other fruits, alright?
This is another example with a ladybug.....
Ahhh.... What is this, Declan? It's ladybug!! Oh isn't this ladybug beautiful? Look at the colors! This ladybug is in red color with a lot of black dots! Ladybug has 6 legs. We have 2 legs but ladybug is different from us. Ladybug is a happy insect. We must learn from ladybug that be a happy baby, alright? L for ladybug! Yay!
Moreover, I sing my song after each description. I've my own personalized song for Declan every time. King always laugh at me because the way I "read" Declan sounds like a children program Sesame Street! Hahahaha...!! By moving the cloth books while singing my personalized song, it is indeed funny!
This is my personalized song that dedicate to my son:-
Daddy love KJ.....
Mommy love KJ.....
Coby love KJ.......
Everybody loves KJ......
I composed and wrote this song for Declan from the first day we met! And, I repeat this song every day. This song meant a lot to me and this family!
Sometimes, we do read books for Declan. He seems like a book lover from the way he responds to us during our reading session, so far. We are happy and blessed!
Declan, oh, Declan! Books are our good friends. If we love books, we'd be loved, too! =)
"I Love You, Mummy" story reading.
Declan's favorite cloth book.