Monday, January 24, 2011


我和 King 好久好久沒有去我們以前去的殘障孤兒院了。我們決定今年一定要去看孩子們。所以,我們在辦年貨的同一天,我們把 10 包米送過去了。這一次,是帶著 Declan 一起去。

到了門口,孩子們都一如往常得自己開們,一個接一個地來車裡辦貨。手腳靈活,每一個都知道他們應該怎麼做,不爭不搶,沒有爭先恐後,10 包米就很輕易地搬下車了。我抱著小 Declan 坐在車子里,找那幾個我熟悉的臉孔。我沒有辦法下車,Declan 在我的肩上睡著了。我只有在車裡望著他們。啊,他們都長大了!搬完了 10 包米,我們就回家了。

我在車子里跟 King 說,孩子們都長大了,你有注意到他們嗎?他說,嗯,都長大了,但是那個大頭娃娃不在了。我們都停頓了片刻。心裡是有點難過。嗯,他離開了人間之後,我們間中都沒有去看其他的孩子們。

然後,我跟老公說,等 Declan 會走路了,我們帶他來跟孩子們玩。我們的眼神都交加而明白怎麼做了。



Friday, January 14, 2011



在繼續寫這篇文章的時候,我要鼓勵那些願意放下自己的一切,為自己的家付出所有的代價的每一位媽媽 -- 掌聲鼓勵鼓勵!!!!!啪啪啪!


喜歡出去工作的人有很多,喜歡呆在家裡忙的人也很多,喜歡呆在家裡而又有收入的人確很少。我佩服稀有品種。稀有品種都是很珍貴的,令人佩服的,令人愛戴的。我下定決心,要當個稀有品種,讓自己更加珍貴 -- 至少對我老公和孩子而言啦!

加油哦,Eunice 媽咪!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Colorful books of Declan

King and I have the same value of reading. Both of us think that it's way too important to read good books. We have limitation in terms of time and knowledge to our child. Hence, we believe that Declan would be able to learn more by reading -- knowledge and well manners. And, that's the main reason for book introduction to little Declan since his 2 months old.

It's okay for us if Declan doesn't understand the whole story line. We think that the colorful pages with bold words is good for this little baby's vision and imagination. At the same time, variety of vocabularies would sound more interesting to the baby. Foremost, the story time that between the parents and the baby is so fun! When we introduced Declan a book during the story time, I let him see the book cover and sign him "Book" with my words. He usually will give me a smile if I show him his favorite books. I'm more than happy to tell him all kinda stories.

We, sometimes, lie down on the bed together for story telling. Otherwise, Declan would sit up front of me. Ahhh.... Declan's small eyes would stare at the books. He would even turn his head to me and smile at me while I did the reading for him. I love the sweet moment!! And yes, baby can read! Baby does read!!

We've bought Declan a lot of books before his arrival. We chose every single books carefully for his good manners build-up. Most importantly, he'd enjoy every single story and book happily. However, we have to be a good role models if we really want Declan to love books. The whole family has a lot of books sit on the tables and bookshelves. We want to read together in near future.

Son, it's sky limit to learn things in our whole life. Daddy and mommy are not looking forward to own an academic child but a happy child. We hope you would find your direction and goal in life. But setting your own goal in life, setting your own value of life is far more important than anything else. Enjoy what you are having, appreciate what we are offering, love what you are holding on. We love you, Declan! =)

Solid food

Declan has recovered from flu, oh thank God! And so, I was excited to introduce him his first solid food which is cereal! Yay! The date was not so important but it meant so much to me -- 9th of Jan, 6 months & 3 weeks of Declan! That means Declan has entered another stage of growth! =)

Teri passed me different types of organic cereal. Oh man, they all smell so good and yummy! I hope my baby would love it. I waited for King to be home from work for video recording. We were excited for the moment!

I mixed 3 teaspoon of cereal and 1 ounce of warm water into his small bowl. I introduced Declan the cereal before his noon time meal. The little rascal was hungry for milk when I offered him first few of teaspoons of cereal. He likes it, I'd say. Not used to spoon-feed, Declan gave me a funny face. And he pushed my hand with teaspoon into his mouth by using his both hands. Awww.....!!! I love the push!! His hands and eyes are well-coordinated! This little hungry baby cried for milk before finishing his cereal, haha! And then, I offered him another 5 ounces of milk. King and I were glad that he finished everything up! Yay!!

I'm going to offer cereal once a day for a week from now on. Hopefully, he has no food allergy after a week of monitoring. I'd introduce him pumpkin, sweet potato, avocado, etc slowly. Baby Declan, mommy will make you a lot of delicious food, alright?

You are my sunshine, son! We are so proud of you! =)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Your smile bright me up!

New Year Resolution

I came across the new year resolution of a friend on Facebook this morning. Her 10 resolution made my day and she's one of my idols!! Coincidently, I came across another email which forwarded by Evelyn today. And I like the idea of the following new year resolution.


Here are more new year resolution for myself.

17。帶 Declan 去旅行看世界。旅途中好好教導 Declan 甚麼是生活。去兩個國家。
19。自己製作玩具給 Declan。
20。把 Declan 的房間給佈置和整理好。

It looks like Coby and King are not in the list, hahaha! Well well well, number 15 says it out. I gotta make all these happen before greeting year 2012! All the best, Mrs. Lau! =)

Yes, we smile together!

This is one of my favorite pictures, although it looks blurry! Yes, we smile together!!!

Play time with big daddy

King misses playing with Declan every day and night. This little fellow loves anything as long as it's new to him. A sofa pillow can make him smile in the Heaven! Daddy, thanks for coming back home after work! =)

My little model

A strong mother

Well, this is me when Declan was down with flu. Yes, it's Me! Hahaha! I've no time for dressing up. The only things that I can do is to stay healthy and be stronger physically and mentally when I've a sick baby at home. Staying hydrated and good quality of rest are two things that I must do mainly. I can't lose the battle before Declan is recovered. Be tough, mothers!! =)

My activities with baby Declan


It's fun to taking care of a baby at home, well, if you have him occupied. I always run out of ideas when it comes to baby activities. Here are what Declan and I do every day at home. Haha!

~ Reading is a must! We are glad that Declan loves book and reading! I hope this good habit can last him the whole life as we learn through reading besides playing.
~ Toys. Kids without toys are not kids. Whatever toys we hand out Declan, we encourage him to grap, shake, bite, smell, touch, squeeze , whatever sense you name it.
~ Music is on for hours. I turn on the musics for Declan and he has been listening to the musics since he was a fetus in my tummy.
~ Singing. Oh dear, I sing to Declan many many times a day. I feel that singing can calm Declan down and he'd smile at me back. Diaper changing, bathing, dancing, I sing to Declan.
~ Paintings. I let Declan see a few Renaissance paintings for visionary training. I hope the focusing training can help his capability in the future. Surprisingly, his favorite Renaissance painting is Mona Lisa, hahahaha! Now I know the reason of why Mona Lisa is a world famous painting! Babies love to see faces.
~ Walking in the park is our daily activity. I notice that Declan loves to be outdoor. He loves to see the cars moving, the kids playing and running around in the park, Coby running in the park with us, the trees and leaves dancing in the air, the smell of flowers and green, the birds singing! Foremost, he loves to be carried by me by using baby carrier. He's a little explorer. I told Declan, it's good to be part of the nature!
~ The squary screen. Ah ha! I hate to introduce Declan all squary screen which they are TV and computer! However, I only let Declan enjoy his only two music video cartoons -- Elmo Song & Backyardigans for 5 mins. He can only enjoy the show by watching once a week or less.
~ Flash cards. After doing some reading regarding baby brain development, I finally was convinced to try flash cards on Declan. I'm a practical person who believe in learn-through-play. No doubt, playing is still the key in our life, I let Declan to see the pictures and words by using flash cards. He flaps his hands and kicks his legs when he saw the images that he is familiar with the most. I'm amazed by his feedback.
~ Sociology, ah ha! I always introduce our friends and neighbors to Declan. Positive feedback is Declan always smile at them, although he starts having separation anxiety now. He's a contented baby -- this is what I always hear from our friends and neighbors. I hope he is and he'll.
~ Tummy time. Declan doesn't like to sleep on his tummy most of the time. But tummy time is good for his motor skill and cognitive system. So I let him on tummy during his play time everyday.
~ "What are daddy/mommy and coby doing now?". This is what King and I ask Declan every day and night. We try to explain Declan about our daily jobs and he's not alone or ignored. We want to make sure he's well-noticed and well-marked at home although we might be busy with something else when he was alone.
~ Mirroring. I love this activity with Declan! He loves to smile at himself in the mirror although he doesn't recognize himself yet. He is a shy baby, sometimes. I hope seeing himself in the mirror will be able to bring him more confidence.
~ Baby sign language. Ah.... This is something new for Declan when he just turned into 6 months old. This is really really fun, even King loves it too! We hope the sign can help him to communicate with us in near future. Persistent and patient play an important part. I need to be consistent on this.
~ We tell Declan that we love him everyday. Of course, kissing is a must, hahaha! I can't stop kissing my little baby every minute!!!!! Mothers are hopeless on this! Hehe!
~ .... There would be more and more new activities in near future. Swimming, new exploring, baby yoga, and others which I can't wait to let him try. It's really fun to have a baby at home! Babies are our best playmate!! I learn things through spending time with my baby!

Declan's first Christmas

Merry Christmas, Declan! May Santa brings you happiness and health every year! =)

First hometown trip to Declan

Yes, we were going back to Kluang and spent our quality time with the four grannies! We were glad that Declan was well-behaved in the car for hours. Son, we are so proud of you! Haha!

Get well soon, my baby!

Love from the parents is the best medicine for sick baby! Other than that, plenty of water and good quality of sleep do help a lot, too. It's time for you to build up your bullets in your immune system now, son! Get well soon, my little fighter! =)
I haven't been updating my blog for so long! I mean, it has been very long, ah hahaha! Well, I'm not a lazy butt just that I've been quite tight up with my little one. A lot of busy but fun time with little Declan!

King has back to work as usual since end of November. Hence, I've no helper at home when it comes to Declan and housework. And so, I've to adjust my time table and re-schedule everything. Thank God, everything is up to path and up to my standard -- of course, I can't be perfect, ha! Fortunately, King did help me out for the floor cleaning part, phew! This is the big thing that I hardly do nowadays.

Well, what has happened in the past 2 months? No doubt, Declan has grown up a lot amazingly! It's unbelievable! I brought him for third vaccination and my own thyroid check up in December. We enjoyed our several journeys to the hospital. I really love my baby! =)

Christmas time? Oh yay, Declan had a hectic Christmas holiday schedule with us! Our Christmas Eve dinner with David family and Kurjit family was fun and full of laughter! We love these 2 wonderful families! On Christmas day, we enjoyed our gathering time with friends. The rest of the holiday, we were out and about. My poor little Declan was down with flu after a few days. And so, I've to postpone my plan of introducing solid food to Declan. He was down on New Year -- what a good start of the year 2011! We visited doctor Khoo on 3/1, finally. Without giving Declan medicines, he fights with his own immunity. My little fighter, pls get well soon!

Now, Declan has plenty of phlegm but mild coughing. I hope he is entering the next stage of growing up now. Baby, be tough, ok? We miss the happy face of you so much! =)

We love you, Declan!